Business Case Intro Text

Opened in April 2009, the Hotel Astoria 7 is the ideal hotel for lovers of cinema. Built on the foundations of a former Gipuzkoa cinema, the hotel appeals to an eclectic mix of travellers, business executives and arty types and is one of  most exciting places to stay in the city of San Sebastian. With an aesthetic based on film, each of the hotel's 102 rooms is themed to a particular movie star of national or international cinema. This enables guests to relax and spend the night in the company of Glenn Close, Sean Penn and Quentin Tarantino among others.

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access points

Business Case Image List
Astoria 7 photo 1
Astoria 7 photo 2
Astoria 7 photo 3
Astoria 7 photo 4
Business Case Customer Testimonials
Guillaume Fontagne
Astoria 7 Hotel, General Manager

The Astoria 7 hotel in San Sebastian, Spain, is one of the first in the world that can now manage the reservations and stays of its guests by sending their room keys directly to their smartphones.

Business Case Salto Testimonial
Business Case Steps Description
The challenge

The demand for mobile access solutions is rising sharply. Hotel operators, for example, want mobile phone applications that make it easier for customers to book, check in, access their rooms and check out without having to wait at reception. In response to this SALTO has developed "JustIN Mobile Key". This is a revolutionary and intuitive mobile application that allows smartphones to communicate with SALTO wire-free electronic locks, providing access to a hotel room without having to rely on traditional mechanical keys, magnetic stripe cards or even contactless proximity cards.

Thanks to this application and wireless electronic locks from SALTO incorporating this technology, together with a first class installation provided by local SALTO partner i-SAI, the Astoria 7 Hotel can now not only provide guests with a room, but they can also give them a smart key to access it. It's all done simply and quickly upon confirmation of booking. The guest just confirms their reservation and that they want to receive the key to their room directly to their smartphone (iOS or Android) and it's done.


The technology helps minimize queuing at hotel reception, and allows staff to spend more time with the welcoming processes and customer orientation. "It's about having a hotel that's fully connected to our guests' needs enabling us to enhance their visit to both San Sebastian and our hotel,'' explains Guillaume Fontagné, director of the Astoria 7 hotel. "In addition, SALTO technology allows us to get to know our guests better and to have a more human relationship with them," adds Fontagné.

Another feature that highlighted the relationship between the San Sebastian hotel, SALTO and i-SAI was the efficiency, service and professionalism of its staff during the project. Throughout the design, installation, commissioning and training phases, no inconvenience was caused nor activity interrupted by the change over to the new mobile enabled wireless locks.

JustIN Mobile Key from SALTO is the new application through which the Hotel Astoria 7 now offers its guests a unique experience, providing them with unparalleled convenience to ensure their maximum comfort.


Business Case Key benefits
  • Minimize queuing at hotel reception.
  • Get to know your guests better.
  • Efficiency, service and professionalism of the staff.
  • Unique experience.
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Business Case Location
San Sebastian
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Business Case Short Text

Opened in April 2009, the Hotel Astoria 7 is the ideal hotel for lovers of cinema.

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