Business Case Intro Text

ISAR Klinikum is a private hospital in the heart of Munich. It opened in 2008 and is a combined medical care center/facility for affiliated attending physicians. It employs around 500 people.

The landmark Bürkleinbau building is part of the historical building complex. Built in the 19th century as a maternity hospital, it is now home to many medical practices and outpatient departments.

Patients at ISAR Klinikum are treated by highly qualified specialists from 12 different departments who work closely together to guarantee excellent interdisciplinary medical care paired with major time savings and short distances.

ISAR Klinikum combines the quality of a university hospital with a family feel to ensure patients receive the best possible care.

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Business Case Customer Testimonials
Tobias Engelhardt
Head of Access Control at ISAR Klinikum Munich

Thanks to SALTO's versatile product portfolio we could integrate all the doors we wanted into the access solution. Everything the installer recommended is actually of use for us. SALTO also implemented many of our suggestions. That shows appreciation for their customers.

Business Case Salto Testimonial
Business Case Steps Description
The challenge

Tired of all the hassles and costs that its mechanical and mechatronic locking systems required, as well as their limited flexibility, ISAR Klinikum Munich started looking into an electronic access control solution.

It had to be uniformly applicable throughout the compound and above all be easy to manage and to install. In addition to user-friendly administration - and thus simplified management - the focus of the requirements was also on the quick allocation of access rights. The hospital also wanted to be able to install the components themselves so that they could precisely apply their requirements. The system therefore had to be modular and scalable.


A solution was found based on the SALTO Space system platform which not only met the required functions but supported operational workflows. The new system was originally going to comprise electronic cylinders because they are quick and easy to install. But then SALTO's XS4 Mini came on the market and turned everything on its head.

The electronic short plate escutcheon fulfills the requirement for simple installation to the same extent as a cylinder, since it can be installed on the DIN standard drilling holes without any additional drilling.

It is also a much better fit with the everyday routines of a hospital, particularly since it has a less-exposed position than cylinders do. Cylinder heads and knobs are likely to fall victim to bumping beds in hospitals.

The access control now includes doors to offices, wards, staff rooms, staff toilets, treatment rooms and private patient’s rooms as well as main entrances, barriers and turnstiles. There are also fire doors, narrow frame doors, glass doors, sliding doors, gates, elevators and blood depots equipped.

Business Case Key benefits
  • User-friendly operation and simplified management
  • Modular and scalable architecture for step-by-step installation
  • Access rights can be allocated quickly
  • With ProAccess SPACE you can see right away which cards need an update; the plausibility check when allocating access rights is a great help in preventing errors.
  • Notification of door status in real-time for selected doors
  • Multi-application on the credentials for using time & attendance and cashless payment
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ISAR Klinikum is a private hospital in the heart of Munich. It opened in 2008 and is a combined medical care center/facility for affiliated attending physicians. It employs around 500 people.

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