Business Case Intro Text

J. Becher & Assoc. is a full-service electrical and low-voltage contractor specializing in commercial, industrial, and residential electrical systems and electronic integration solutions for homes and businesses. As the premier electrical and low voltage contractor in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area,          J. Becher & Assoc. is consistently ranked as one the top 25 electrical contractors in the area.

J. Becher & Assoc. trusts SALTO electronic locking solutions for a number of multifamily properties including the Mino-Bimaadiziwin Apartment Complex in Minnesota. The Red Lake Band of Chippewa (RLBC) Indians developed the Mino-Bimaadiziwin property which is a new, mixed-development construction in Minneapolis. Mino-Bimaadiziwin includes 110 rental units and 16,000 square feet of Community Service Facility space. RLBC houses its Wellness Center and Red Lake Nation Embassy on the building’s first floor.

Business Case Figures

rental units


wired online readers


offline readers

Business Case Image List
J.Becher & Associates / Mino-Bimaadiziwin Apartments Image 1
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J.Becher & Associates / Mino-Bimaadiziwin Apartments Image 4
Business Case Customer Testimonials
Chris Kilpatrick
Commercial & Multifamily Limited Energy Manager, J. Becher & Assoc.

As an electrical contractor that builds new buildings, we pull wires during construction. It’s impossible to get wires to these spots after the building is complete. But with SALTO electronic locks, you can simply replace a lock at the door and easily extend access control within a project long after construction is complete.

Business Case Salto Testimonial
Preston Grutzmacher
Vertical Business Leader – Residential

The Mino-Bimaadiziwin Apartment was a successful project for multiple reasons. J. Becher was able to take a limited budget and deliver a technology and hardware solution perfectly suited for the customer demands. However, the project's true success should be attributed to the J. Becher team. Their system design, project management, installation, system commissioning and customer training made the customer experience great.

Business Case Steps Description
The challenge

The Mino-Bimaadiziwin project was not just an apartment complex with 110 residential units, it also was designed to house the RLBC Red Lake Nation Embassy and their Wellness Center. These are three distinct entities that each needed access control that could function separately, but also had to be able to be managed as a whole, said Chris Kilpatrick, Commercial & Multifamily Limited Energy Manager for J. Becher & Assoc. Another challenge was that the original building specifications called for 66 hard- wired card readers, but that was reduced to half due to budget constraints. Kilpatrick said because J. Becher had worked with SALTO before, he knew they did not have to reduce the number of card readers and sacrifice coverage. With SALTO, they could actually deliver more access control points using a combination of online and offline readers using SALTO Virtual Network (SVN) data-on-card technology. 


The solution Kilpatrick and team provided for the Mino-Bimaadiziwin property provides residents, employees, and visitors with secure access control that’s easy to manage. Because J. Becher & Assoc. included SALTO SVN access points, they were able to provide expansive reliable access control despite budget constraints. SALTO’s innovative SVN allows stand-alone locks to read, receive, and write information via an encrypted and secure data-on-card system that utilizes the capabilities of RFID read/write technology. With SVN, all access data is stored on and distributed by its operating smartcard (or other RFID credential). When presenting a smartcard to an offline stand-alone door, not only does this control access rights to that door but, thanks to two-way communication, the door also writes data like banned user information or battery status back to the smartcard. The smartcard then transmits this information back to the server via online wall readers that are able to update and receive information from the cards anytime and anywhere in the building. 

The J. Becher & Assoc. team installed a variety of SALTO products throughout the Mino-Bimaadiziwin property providing coverage for entrances and exits, laundry rooms, stairwells, overhead garages, employee vehicles, and outdoor gates. There are not currently readers on every apartment door, but property management has been steadily adding more electronic lock coverage. In fact, the ability to easily expand access control after the property has been built is one of the reasons Kilpatrick chooses SALTO products.

“As an electrical contractor that builds new buildings, we pull wires during construction. It’s impossible to get wires to these spots after the building is complete. But with SALTO electronic locks, you can simply replace a lock at the door and easily extend access control within a project long after construction is complete. Oftentimes, due to budget constraints, a property owner won’t have the money to outfit all doors with electronic locks or they want to wait and add some more electronic locks to doors a year or two down the line. SALTO makes this very easy to do.”

Property managers update access via SALTO ProAccess SPACE management software. Kilpatrick said they have incorporated the use of the lockdown function and have integrated the solution with alarms. Each desk has an alarm that will disable all schedules and will lock down doors if there is an emergency. The system at Mino-Bimaadiziwin is set up to provide mobile access for residents and employees which Kilpatrick expects will be implemented in the future.


Business Case Key benefits
  • Seamless, keyless and digital resident and staff experience replacing the traditional front-door key
  • Deliver convenient, instant and safe access thanks to SALTO SVN data-on-card coupled with online readers extends access control
  • Provide electronic access control coverage to multiple tenants within the one building with specify access privileges for individual needs
  • Emergency readiness with lockdown and opening functionality 
  • Integrated with your existing property management system, and seamlessly interconnected with with BMS, CCTV system and intrusion alarm.
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Business Case Short Text

J. Becher & Assoc. is a full-service electrical and low-voltage contractor specializing in commercial, industrial, and residential electrical systems and electronic integration solutions for homes and businesses. As the premier electrical and low voltage contractor in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area,          J. Becher & Assoc. is consistently ranked as one the top 25 electrical contractors in the area.


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