Business Case Intro Text

The Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) in Greifswald is researching the basics for a fusion power plant. For this purpose, a fusion facility was built with Wendelstein 7-X, which generates a 100 million degree Celsius plasma from hydrogen that is enclosed in a magnetic field cage. Among other things, the optimal configuration of the magnetic field for a future fusion power plant is to be researched.

With around 1,100 employees, the IPP in Garching and Greifswald is one of the largest centres for fusion research in Europe. In Garching, the IPP operates the ASDEX Upgrade experiment, a large-scale tokamak-type facility. At the IPP sub-institute in Greifswald, founded in 1994, around 400 employees conduct research and work on Wendelstein 7-X, a stellarator-type fusion experiment.

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Business Case Steps Description
The challenge

The IPP had to implement a new access control concept and procure a new locking system for it. In the course of this, those responsible also thought about the long-term costs and administration. In particular, the focus was on being able to manage access rights uniformly and to obtain a future-proof system. In addition, the loss of keys should no longer be a problem. These goals could only be achieved with an electronic solution. As a result, functional specifications were drawn up in which the most important requirements were recorded: These included data-on-card technology to save on wiring the interior doors, integration into the central security control system for dynamic changes of access rights depending on the experiment status, and the definition of access groups, interfaces and necessary signals for third-party systems.



The Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) in Greifswald uses a complex electronic access control system from SALTO, which not only protects the office area, but also the experimental and assembly areas of the nuclear fusion plant. This is a combined online and virtual networked system that also supports the organisational measures for personal security. Decisive criteria for the choice of SALTO were the smoothly functioning system, the possibility of real-time monitoring of selected areas, the failure safety of the battery-operated door components and the good handling of the entire solution.

In total, the IPP in Greifswald uses SALTO's electronic access control solution at over 600 access points. These include XS4 Original escutcheons, both in the narrow version and in the DIN version on fire doors. SALTO GEO electronic cylinders are installed in the office area: Half and standard cylinders on the office doors and double cylinders on the connecting doors between the offices, as well as VdS-certified cylinders in special areas. In addition, electronic SALTO GEO padlocks secure the rolling concrete walls called 'castles' through which various diagnostics look out onto the Wendelstein 7-X fusion experiment. SALTO online wall readers, some with anti-passback and area change control functions, are used for barrier and turnstile control at the road access, at the turnstiles in the entrance area and at all access points to the experiment and assembly areas.

Access management is carried out centrally using SALTO's ProAccess Space management software. The assignment to the individual access groups is also carried out by the respective departments via the client function "Partitions".


Business Case Key benefits
  • Good usability of the entire solution
  • Integration with the central security control system for dynamic and automated changes of access rights depending on the experiment status
  • Real-time access management at selected access points
  • Decentralised management of access rights via client function (partitions)
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The Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) in Greifswald is researching the basics for a fusion power plant.

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