Business Case Intro Text

With over 180 years of history, Orbea is one of the largest bicycle manufacturers in the world today. A total of 850 people work at their plant in Mallabia, Bizkaia (Spain), in both the office and the factory, where they offer high-value, customised cycling products and services.   

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access points



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Business Case Customer Testimonials
Javi Zabalza
Head of Maintenance and Investments at Orbea

One of the best things about Salto is that access management is simple, flexible, and fast.

Business Case Salto Testimonial
Business Case Steps Description
The challenge

In 2018, during a period of significant growth and expansion with the opening of new facilities in Mallabia, security became a top priority for Orbea. “The company had new designs and patents that required additional security measures, along with a considerable increase in employees within a short period,” explains Manuel Fierro from I-SAI, a Salto-certified partner.  

“Under these circumstances, there was a growing need for easy employee access and increased awareness of the privacy of their releases.” 

As a result, Orbea recognised the need to install secure and smart solutions to access, manage, and identify users, contractors, providers, and visitors across its entire factory, including both the Markina and Mallabia plants. This led them to contact Salto Systems directly. 


With the collaboration and assistance of I-SAI, a Salto-certified partner, Orbea equipped its facilities with Salto smart access solutions and locking technology. This included everything from the main pedestrian entrances to the data centre, server racks, locker rooms, medical service areas, warehouse, photography studios, and other rooms requiring privacy and secure access control. 

Salto Space, a comprehensive, smart access control platform for intelligent access management that is simple, secure, and scalable, was installed. It enables efficient and reliable control and management of all doors in any building.  

Salto Space is a user-friendly, on-premise system that integrates all physical security needs through networked wireless smart locks that are fully autonomous. 

Thanks to the solution provided, staff, users, and visitors can come and go quickly and easily. Replace the hassle of physical keys with advanced Salto smart technology access options using smartphones (iOS or Android) or smart keycard credentials. This smart access system has made the workspace, factory, and R&D design hub from Orbea more accessible, efficient, and secure. Orbea has many people in and out of their facilities, sometimes at all hours of the night. Employees, staff, visitors, suppliers, delivery people, and clients all qualify for different access levels, which was made possible by the smart access solution installed. 

Regarding products, I-SAI installed several Gateways, which act as a link between the PC or server hosting and Salto’s BLUENet wireless network (wireless escutcheons). Using SVN-Flex technology, the Gateways extend the SVN capabilities to non-wired user credential update points and provide real-time visibility to perimeter and critical access points. This combination of standard SVN and BLUENet wireless infrastructure allows system administrators to manage the security and operation of the entire facility in real-time – including changing access plans, denying access to lost credentials, and monitoring doors – allowing operators to quickly and securely manage and communicate with all wireless access points.  

They also installed XS4 One locks, which are intelligent, secure, innovative, and easy to install. They provide a fully wireless networked electronic lock solution with a wide range of features.  

In addition to the XS4 One locks, several Neo electronic cylinders were installed in rack cabinets. These cylinders are easy to install and designed to fit, making them suitable for wooden, glass, metal, and even fire doors. Engineered with cutting-edge technology to guard against advanced attacks, Neo cylinder technology incorporates industry-leading security practices, including advanced encryption, to provide users with a secure and seamless credential experience.  

Wall readers and control units were also installed, ensuring a comprehensive security solution for barriers, lifts, sliding doors, and electronic gates throughout the facility. 

Business Case Key benefits
  • Enhanced security for staff, users, and visitors, as well as for products and materials, with round-the-clock activity monitoring. 
  • Avoid expensive cabling with wire-free security technology to secure any access point. 
  • Eliminate physical keys and simplify operations with precise, automated access permission. 
  • Increase visibility with 24/7 real-time monitoring and management. 
  • Balance security and convenience and manage access to multiple sites on a single, flexible platform. 
  • A better experience for users and visitors, offering faster access and replacing physical keys with advanced smart access options from Salto.  
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Business Case Short Text

With over 180 years of history, Orbea is one of the largest bicycle manufacturers in the world today. A total of 850 people work at their plant in Mallabia, Bizkaia (Spain), in both the office and the factory, where they offer high-value, customised cycling products and services.   

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