Business Case Intro Text

METTNAU is one of the most renowned centres for exercise therapy in Germany. With its four hospitals, it specialises in prevention and rehabilitation of disorders and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Accompanying treatments include metabolic diseases, orthopaedic dysfunctions and the consequences of psychological overload. The METTNAU team consists of sports instructors, therapists and medical doctors, including cardiologists, internists, nutritionists and psychologists.

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access points



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Business Case Customer Testimonials
Frank Herzog
Head of the Building and Technology Department of METTNAU Hospitals

SALTO's solution allows us to prepare guest cards for arrival and recode them with little effort if necessary. Since our employees can intuitively handle the software, this means, above all, shorter waiting times for the guests.

Business Case Salto Testimonial
Business Case Steps Description
The challenge

The rehabilitation hospitals had previously used five different mechanical locking systems in their properties that were getting on in years. This was accompanied by the problems typical of mechanical locking systems: The wear and tear and the high costs for reordering were clearly noticeable. Staff changes and the takeover of properties also reduced the overview of the individual locking authorisations and the keys in circulation.

For this reason, the METTNAU clinics decided to introduce a uniform electronic solution. In doing so, METTNAU wanted to achieve two main goals: on the one hand, to improve convenience for guests and, on the other hand, to improve the organisation of authorisation allocation for employees. The most important criterion in the selection process was ease of use for both guests and reception staff. Only a solution that works similarly to those in hotels was considered: self-explanatory and with one movement for opening the door. Accordingly, electronic escutcheons were favoured early in the planning.

The requirements also included a broad product portfolio from the manufacturer to meet the different uses in the properties, which include not only doors but also lockers and automatic barrier systems. The design of the doors also played an equally important role, as there are old doors with box locks in a listed building, for example, which were to be retained.

In addition to the price, the ease of operation and maintenance as well as a modern design were particularly relevant for the evaluation in the public tender. Another focus was on the system layout with virtual network as well as on the simple allocation of access rights for additional services booked for a fee, such as the use of the underground car park or the bicycle cellar.



METTNAU clinics have said goodbye to their mechanical locking systems and now use a uniform electronic access control solution from SALTO for their four clinics.

The system consists of a total of around 1,800 access points. Of these, around 20 are equipped with online wired SALTO wall readers and door controllers, all other access points are virtually networked. The XS4 Mini electronic short plate escutcheon, the XS4 Original electronic long plate escutcheon in various versions and SALTO GEO electronic cylinders are used for this purpose. The lockers for guests and staff are secured with the XS4 Locker electronic locker lock.

SALTO particularly impressed with the ease of use of its management software and functions from the hotel market, such as check-in/check-out, simple room selection and extension of stay, which are equally suitable for a rehabilitation hospital. Since the employees can handle the software intuitively, this means, above all, shorter waiting times for the guests, who, in addition, no longer have to carry around a thick bunch of keys.

When it comes to credentials, the rehabilitation hospital offers its employees and guests a choice of RFID card, key fob and silicone wristband. Originally, the silicone wristbands were only intended for guests, especially in connection with spa and fitness treatments or therapies in the water. However, the wristbands are also becoming increasingly popular among employees because they allow them to keep their hands free.

Business Case Key benefits
  • Uniform access control across all properties
  • Intuitive operation of escutcheons for guests and employees
  • Integration of different access points, e.g. old doors, lockers and vehicle access.
  • More security through more precise access rights and expiry of authorisations
  • Hotel functions also ideally suited for a rehabilitation hospital
  • Multiple opening modes for different areas.
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METTNAU is one of the most renowned centres for exercise therapy in Germany. With its four hospitals, it specialises in prevention and rehabilitation of disorders and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

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