Business Case Intro Text

Trinity Grammar has been offering great educational opportunities in Melbourne for over 120 years. It is an independent Anglican school with a mixed Early Learning Centre, and boys’ education from prep to year 12. It is also part of the MITS scheme for indigenous students and offers residential places to aboriginal boys. The school encourages its scholars to be the best they can and offers them a wide range of opportunities – from arts to sciences and IT, music and drama to sport – to help them find and develop their personal strengths.

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years Salto installation


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Trinity Grammar School
Trinity Grammar School
Trinity Grammar School
Trinity Grammar School
Trinity Grammar School
Trinity Grammar School
Trinity Grammar School
Trinity Grammar School
Business Case Customer Testimonials
Mark Glover
Director of Business and Company Secretary, Trinity Grammar

SALTO is just part of the fabric now, and the more we continue to use it and upgrade it, the more benefit it delivers.

Business Case Salto Testimonial
Dennis Mavropoulos
Partner XSperience Manager, Oceania

It has been a pleasure to work with Trinity Grammar from their initial trial installation, way back in 2013. Trinity has grown with SALTO, adopting our advances in technology and bringing them into their existing system. From school room doors to padlocks on perimeter gates, we are honoured to be Trinity Grammar’s partner in access control.

Dennis Mavropoulos
Business Case Steps Description
The Challenge

Like any school, Trinity Grammar needs to be able to keep its 1600 students safe, and to balance that with enabling them to move around the school and make the most of the facilities. At Trinity though, there’s the added factor of the sheer spread of those facilities – as it has grown, the school has become more like a university campus, with 30 buildings spread across the Wellington and Charles Street precincts. Trinity also makes its facilities available outside of school hours to external groups, and has to provide easy access, but also ensure that only the authorised groups are on the campus.  


The Salto smart access control system uses electronic keycards instead of physical keys. At Trinity, the system consists of XS4 electronic door locks and Design XS wall-mounted readers on internal doors and tennis court gates, and Neoxx electronic padlocks and locks on external fences and gates. The wireless smart locks use ‘Salto virtual data-on-card network’ where the smart keycard updates locks as users move around the building. Everything is controlled centrally by Trinity Grammar School team from the Salto Space smart access platform. 

‘One of the benefits of coming to Trinity and finding Salto in the school is that it makes things so much easier to manage. In other places, if you had new staff, or staff changing role or moving subjects or year levels, you had a real headache ensuring they have the right keys to access the required areas. Here it's just a matter of them coming to the office and getting a card issued or updated with the right access permissions. It’s very fast and efficient and it means that we can be sure our facilities are secure. Teachers love it too, as they can focus on their students’ learning, rather than how to get into the classroom.’ Mark Glover, Director of Business and Company Secretary, Trinity Grammar explains.

The Salto smart access solution also makes it far simpler to manage access by external groups. ‘We recently had a coding camp and a sports camp here’, says Mark. ‘Using Salto, we issued them smart keycards that only allow access at their designated time. We can modify or revoke cards at any time, and we can see who has accessed (or tried to access) which facilities when, using Salto’s audit features. We’ve got more people wanting to use the facilities than we have time to manage – so the Salto makes it all possible.’ 

Trinity Grammar School has successfully integrated all its physical security needs through the implementation of the Salto Space data-on-card access control platform. This comprehensive solution utilizes networked, stand-alone, battery-operated wireless smart locks. Among the notable enhancements made to the system is the automation feature for the gates. This innovative addition enables the automatic opening and locking of the external gates based on a predefined schedule, completely eliminating the requirement for manual visits to each gate at the beginning and end of each day. With this automation, the school has significantly saved time and eliminated the possibility of human error, thereby greatly enhancing the overall security of the site.

The scalability of the Salto smart access solution offers Trinity Grammar School the flexibility to expand its capabilities as needed. As part of their future plans, the school intends to update numerous access points from SVN 'offline' to BLUEnet Wireless 'online'. This upgrade will enable the school to respond in real-time during emergency situations, allowing for immediate campus lockdown or the rapid opening of all doors for efficient evacuation. Additionally, the use of SVN-Flex technology will facilitate the extension of the number of update points, further enhancing the system's functionality and adaptability.

Security risks related to lost physical keys at Trinity Grammar School have been completely eliminated thanks to the flexible all-in-one, web-based system. The Salto Space solution has enabled integration of all school facility access control needs, intrusion detection, and building automation into one simple integrated contactless and mobile-enabled solution.

Mark Glover concludes, ‘It's just part of the fabric now, and the more we continue to use it and upgrade it, the more benefit it delivers. Salto is an important part of our day-to-day facility management so for us it's a no brainer – I would definitely recommend Salto to other schools.’

Business Case Key benefits
  • Easy to manage – simply control all access from the office, using the Salto Space data-on-card access control platform. Staff turnover, and changes of role are straightforward and fast to handle. 
  • Smart access – staff credentials and students' smart card compatibility eliminate the risks and costs of lost keys.
  • Secure – staff, pupils, and parents all have peace of mind that students are safe at school.
  • Staff focus on teaching – without having to worry about whether they can get students to where they need to be.
  • Time-saving – no need for staff to physically lock/unlock all external gates.
  • Emergency management – additional peace of mind that the school can be rapidly locked down or evacuated. 
  • Flexible – a single system to manage all doors, gates, and access points across the campus in a wire-free environment so there is no need to hardwire any door access points in the building – allowing you to keep your original doors and locks in place, day and evening, for pupils from ECL to year 12, for regular and emergency situations. 
  • External access – Trinity can be a good community citizen, making facilities available to local groups. Program access times, zones and access points for students, staff, and visitors. 
  • Visibility – the audit function shows who has been where, to help further increase security.
  • Ease of movement – pupils and staff can move around the extensive campus easily, without compromising security.
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Trinity Grammar has been offering great educational opportunities in Melbourne for over 120 years.

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