Business Case Intro Text

The University of Greifswald was founded in 1456 and is one of the oldest universities in Germany and in the Baltic region. It is divided into five faculties (theology, law and political science, medicine, philosophy, mathematics-natural sciences). The university has about 11,000 enrolled students.

Business Case Figures

+ access points (ongoing project)


+ users

Business Case Image List
Greifswald University
Greifswald University 1
Greifswald University 2
Greifswald University 3
Greifswald University 4
Greifswald University 5
Greifswald University 6
Greifswald University 7
Greifswald University 8
Greifswald University 9
Business Case Customer Testimonials
Christian Tambach
Head of the Department of Technology and Construction at the University of Greifswald

Before, we were running after the keys, today we can actively assign and revoke access rights. We also have the option of opening up rooms at short notice, e.g. lecture halls.

Business Case Salto Testimonial
Business Case Steps Description
The challenge

The University of Greifswald is in the middle of replacing several mechanical locking systems with a unified electronic access control system. The starting point was a situation typical of mechanical locking systems: there was no complete overview of who had which keys and where they locked. The large number of locking systems made the situation even more difficult. Therefore, it was decided to say goodbye to the mechanical system step by step.

With the transition to an electronic system, the University of Greifswald pursued several goals: First and foremost, key and card losses should no longer be a problem. In addition, they wanted to be able to limit and block access rights for a limited period of time and simplify the issuing of keys. And because the university's institutes are spread over several properties, a gradual migration should be possible.

When selecting the system, data security had top priority. Access to the software should only be possible for a few designated people and all data transmission and storage had to be highly encrypted. In addition, data protection played an important role. Furthermore, SALTO convinced with its wire-free approach. This allows the university to retrofit its interior doors with intelligence, but with less cost and effort because there is no need for wiring. It was also important that the access rights are written to the cards directly at the online wall reader and not via an additional update terminal.

SALTO's comprehensive product portfolio was also a decisive factor. With the electronic cylinders and escutcheons in various model versions, practically all doors can be equipped. And with the different colour variants, the matching surfaces of the cylinders and escutcheons can be selected depending on the existing surroundings.



Currently, the University of Greifswald uses the SALTO solution at over 1,000 access points. 720 XS4 Original electronic escutcheons in the narrow version are installed on the internal doors. These can also be found on the bicycle boxes used by the university staff to travel between buildings and on the rubbish bins to prevent illegal dumping. In addition, six XS4 Original escutcheons in the DIN version are mounted on fire doors.

On doors with high architectural requirements as well as on historical doors (the oldest door dates back to the 18th century), 80 SALTO GEO knob and half cylinders and 28 electronic double cylinders are installed. Two VdS-certified SALTO GEO cylinders are used in sensitive areas. In addition, 122 SALTO GEO special cylinders for server doors are installed on racks that are located in freely accessible areas due to the unalterable historical building structure. Several XS4 Locker electronic locker locks secure the media cabinets in various lecture halls.

A total of 45 SALTO online wall readers with and without code keypads control the barriers at the entrances as part of the perimeter security and are also used to arm and disarm alarm systems at the outer doors of the buildings. In addition to the interface to alarm systems, some online wall readers are also linked to the escape route security system.

The access solution is managed by SALTO's ProAccess Space management software. The cards are created centrally. Access rights for the doors are assigned decentrally via the client function "Partitions".

Business Case Key benefits
  • Versatile product portfolio allows all desired access points to be equipped (old and new doors, cabinets, vehicle access, bicycle boxes, server racks, etc.)
  • Key losses are no longer a security risk
  • Encrypted data transmission and storage meet the highest security and data protection requirements
  • High security for sensitive areas (e.g. laboratories, chemicals, expensive equipment)
  • Simplified issuing of access rights via online wall readers
  • Multi-client function (partitions) for decentralised access management
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Business Case Short Text

The University of Greifswald was founded in 1456 and is one of the oldest universities in Germany and in the Baltic region.

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