Business Case Intro Text

The Zoë bars were Hamburg's first pure sofa bars. With a total area of 500 sqm indoors and 300 sqm outdoors, they have been located in Hamburg's Schanzenviertel, close to the Millerntor stadium, since 2001. They captivate with a relaxed atmosphere including furnishings exclusively with sofas, casual sounds and a sophisticated range of drinks and hot beverages. The DEHOGA (German Hotel and Restaurant Association) awarded owner Thomas Haack's bars the "Best Gastronomy Concept 2016" award for this. The two bars also regularly serve as a backdrop for photo shoots, advertising shoots and TV and cinema productions.

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Business Case Customer Testimonials
Thomas Haack
Owner of Zoë-Bars in Hamburg

SALTO KS is simply state of the art - it is the iPhone of locking systems.

Business Case Salto Testimonial
Business Case Steps Description
The challenge

The owner had previously used a Salto access control system. However, this was destroyed during a burglary, so he had to look for a new solution. As he had had very good experiences with Salto, he first went back to this provider to look for offers. He came across SALTO KS Keys as a Service and was immediately convinced because the solution fulfilled all his wishes.

First and foremost, it was important to him that the data did not have to be laboriously read out and programmed at the door, but that it could be retrieved and changed at any time. The application is less about security and more about keeping track of who has been where, when and for how long.



One of the main reasons why Thomas Haack chose Salto KS are the mobile functions of the solution: He uses the app to "on the run" check whether the bars have opened on time or whether the cleaning staff have kept to the agreed time. He also uses it repeatedly to create amazement: the bars are in great demand as film and photo locations. Due to the many years of cooperation with filmmakers, it often happens that Thomas Haack is spontaneously asked if it is possible to shoot at his place at short notice. No matter at what time and no matter where he is at the moment - he can open the doors for the film team via the app. This function never ceases to amaze.

But the owner is also impressed by the system: it saves him time because he no longer has to read out the data on the cylinder. Blocking keys or issuing new keys is also easier.

The entrance doors of the two bars and the warehouse are equipped with electronic cylinders that are wirelessly connected to a hub, the IQ, and a repeater. The IQ establishes the real-time data transfer with the online platform and the app via M2M mobile radio.

Wall readers are also installed at each of the entrance doors, which control an impulse relay that switches lights and electrical consumers on or off centrally. The system will soon be expanded with five additional electronic cylinders. In total, Haack manages about 35 users in the system.


Business Case Key benefits
  • Remote door opening at any time and no matter where you are
  • Time saving due to central access management
  • Easy issuing and blocking of access rights
  • Via the protocol function, insight into whether bars have been opened on time and cleaning staff have turned up at agreed times
  • Central control of electrical power for other devices
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Business Case Short Text

The Zoë bars were Hamburg's first pure sofa bars. With a total area of 500 sqm indoors and 300 sqm outdoors, they have been located in Hamburg's Schanzenviertel, close to the Millerntor stadium, since 2001.

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