Business Case Intro Text

Located just 100 metres from the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, The Leonardo stands tall at 234 meters, making it the tallest building in South Africa. The 55-floor building developed by the Legacy Group is a mixed-use commercial property that includes 232 luxury apartments, 8 penthouse suites, 9 conference areas, restaurants, shops, and a spa. The Leonardo serves as the perfect lifestyle location to wine, dine, work, and relax.

Business Case Figures

access points


luxury apartments


-floor. The tallest building in South Africa

55-floor. The tallest building in South Africa.
Business Case Image List
The Leonardo 1
The Leonardo 2
The Leonardo 3
Business Case Customer Testimonials
Johan Troskie
Development Manager – Special Projects, Legacy Group

Salto delivered a fully-integrated and cost-effective solution that was deployed with the scalability to grow to other areas of the property as needed. Additionally, the JustIN Mobile solution by Salto is easy-to-use and is a core part of daily operations.

Business Case Salto Testimonial
Business Case Steps Description
The challenge

Legacy Group sought a comprehensive and future-proof access control platform that could meet the demanding security needs of a 55-story mixed-use development, which includes 23 floors of luxury accommodation. They wanted a solution that not only was easy to manage but also met the demanding aesthetic standards of an iconic luxury property.

Legacy Group Development Manager – Special Projects Johan Troskie said they specifically sought an online access control solution that was mobile-driven, seamlessly integrated with third-party applications, was affordable (did not require expensive yearly overheads and license fees), and was easy-to-control remotely. They needed a secure and easy-to-operate people management solution that would allow them to carry on with their daily tasks while the system managed access control to the building.


Salto Systems, along with installer Zenetec and consulting engineers MNS, deployed 400-plus electronic locks throughout the property that are managed via Salto ProAccess Space access control software. A Salto BLUEnet wireless network was deployed using Salto wireless gateways and nodes. They chose to install Salto’s sleek Ælement Fusion electronic locks for the residential and office doors due to its minimalist presence and aesthetic integration to the door. Salto XS4 electronic escutcheons were installed on the fire escape doors while the Salto XS4 Minis were used on all riser access control. For cabled solutions and lifts, parking and lobby doors, the Salto XS4 IP, auxiliary, and relay extension controllers were used with the mullion version of the XS4 wall readers.

Key to the project success was the use of a hybrid system to reduce the overall cabling and infrastructure needed. By not having to provide cable to every door, the cost of the overall project was significantly reduced while the minimalistic aesthetic aspect of the project was improved. The Salto access control solution was integrated with Bosch Video Management System (BVMS) to provide a comprehensive solution that includes both access control and video surveillance. The entire solution is managed from the security control centre with all events reporting back live.

One of the key components of the solution is the JustIN mobile access control element. Every access control hardware point can be managed via mobile devices, making the solution – which works with both iOS and Android – touchless throughout the building. Access can be granted on-the-fly and is just as easy to revoke without compromising on the security of the solution. While mobile technology is in use in many parts of the world, it is still relatively new to South Africa, so leadership at The Leonardo was particularly impressed with this functionality.

Business Case Key benefits
  • Reduction in cabling to each access point and reduction in network points and power
  • Door types: Fire doors, steel gates, booms, lifts, wooden doors, aluminium doors
  • Wireless access control solution providing full features of a wired solution whilst
    significantly reducing cost
  • Salto SPACE access control software offering integration to third-party systems and Parking control integrated with the ticket system
  • Ease of installation and significant cost-effectiveness (installation and ongoing
    maintenance) over hard-wired options
  • Full mobile solution with Salto JustIN Mobile between access control and hospitality requirements
  • Lift control to the various sections of the building. Lift lobby control to segment sections of the building to only authorised users
  • Emergency exit control and wireless monitoring of these doors and Emergency staircase control to block unauthorised use of staircases
  • Staff, owners, tenants, visitors, and contractor control
  • Future integration to Hospitality PMS solution
  • Able to work on virtually any access point
  • Riser cabinet protection of high-value equipment
  • Scalable solution. Offline access control while the building was still being completed
Business Case Video Block
Business Case Technology
Business Case Location
Business Case Short Text

Located just 100 metres from the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, The Leonardo stands tall at 234 meters, making it the tallest building in South Africa.

Business Case Short Image
The Leonardo
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