Business Case Intro Text

The Student Housing Company is part of the Global Student Accommodation family, alongside their European and Asian brands Uninest Student Residences and Nexo Residencias offering accommodation in Germany, Ireland, Japan, Spain, United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom.

In Australia, they operate 4 properties housing over 1600 students. University Square in Melbourne opened its doors in July 2018, followed by The Boulevard in Perth, Infinity Place in Melbourne and most recently Park Avenue in the heart of the student precinct surrounding The University of Melbourne.


Business Case Figures

properties housing




access points

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Business Case Customer Testimonials
Becky Blakeway
General Manager of Infinity Place and University Square

Notifications allow us to get instant alerts to activity in the system based on our parameters. We’ve used this to identify when a student returns from a period of absence so we can welcome them back reliably every time.

Business Case Salto Testimonial
Cédric Duigou
Vertical Manager - Oceanic Region

Once you learn how to efficiently use the Salto KS cloud-based access control platform, it’s very simple and streamlined. The different functions are easy to navigate and simple to use.

Business Case Steps Description
The challenge

With prime locations, all-inclusive rents, exceptional customer service and great community spaces, The Student Housing Company sets new standards for student accommodation providers. Complete peace of mind for parents and students alike is an integral part of their brand promise.

Secure and flexible access control is an important element in delivering this promise. Students need to be accounted for, and have access to their individual rooms, as well as various communal spaces. Some of these communal spaces are only accessible during certain hours of the day such as the swimming pool in Perth, or open to certain individuals, as is the case with the communal bathrooms split by gender at Park Avenue.


Becky Blakeway, General Manager of Infinity Place and University Square, had used the Salto Data-on-Card system in the past with The Student Housing Company in the UK, and was initially sceptical about an online cloud-based system upon arrival in Australia. However, after a period of adjustment, she’s now happy with the system.

Salto KS allows The Student Housing Company to centrally manage all their properties in real-time. For instance, the residence office can now see when a student last accessed their room which is vital for student monitoring.

Given the flexibility to use a tag or their own mobile phone, students can even use their credentials to access different properties of The Student Housing e.g. students at University Square have access to the gym located in the Infinity Place building. A student could feasibly study a semester in Melbourne, Perth or even abroad using the same access credentials.

The ability to remotely open doors also supports after-hours service, and since Covid-19 has been used for opening the main doors for parcel delivery and student doors for lock outs. It has kept their students and staff safe by limiting human contact, while still providing the same level of service and ease of access.

Business Case Key benefits
  • Centralised SaaS service hosted and managed by Salto, supporting the management of multiple properties
  • Real-time online electronic access control for live monitoring
  • The flexibility for students to use a smart tag or their mobile phone to access the building(s)
  •  The ability to easily create access groups that are allowed to enter a certain space on a specific date and time - all on one tag so there is no need for multiple keys
  • Revoking access in the event of credentials being lost is now quickly and easily done, meaning security is never compromised due to lost tags
  • With Salto KS features, they can provide their Residential Advisors limited access to managing credentials without making changes to the overall system and access groups
  • Remote opening of doors reduces response times and improves access
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Business Case Short Text

The Student Housing Company is part of the Global Student Accommodation family, alongside their European and Asian brands Uninest Student Residences and Nexo Residencias offering accommodation in Germany, Ireland, Japan, Spain, United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom.

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