Business Case Intro Text

VOIT STEFAN GMBH is a steel construction company founded in 2002 in Pleystein in the Upper Palatinate. What started with three employees has meanwhile developed into a medium-sized company with almost 100 employees, which processes around 12,000 tons of steel per year and can list more than 2,100 references all over the world. The company is engaged in the production of steel structures, mainly steel halls for industry and craft enterprises, also agricultural halls as well as buildings for private use.

Since 2009, the entire company premises have been completely renovated and continuously expanded to approx. 20,000 m² of production area and 1,000 m² of administrative buildings.

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access points

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Business Case Customer Testimonials
Stefan Voit

We were particularly impressed by the ProAccess Space software with its ease of use and browser-based architecture. The scalability of the solution also fits very well for us, as we wanted to install gradually and the system should grow with our company.

Business Case Salto Testimonial
Business Case Steps Description
The challenge

Due to the strong growth of the past years and thus more staff, key losses and the associated follow-up costs occurred more and more frequently. The goal was to eliminate the security problems with lost keys on the one hand and the extreme costs associated with cylinder and key reorders on the other. At the same time, the owner was interested in being able to grant finer access rights. This applies not only to the production halls and administration, but also to the company's own fitness studio.

Basically, the owner wanted to be able to deactivate keys at any time for security reasons and assign access rights for specific areas in order to open production halls if necessary or to block them to protect company secrets. These specifications were ultimately reflected in the requirements for the new system. In addition to the typical advantages of an electronic locking system, value was placed on central administration without having to run through the access points for updates, i.e. a virtual network. In addition, doors were to be locked for insurance purposes via self-locking panic locks and at the same time always be accessible from the inside.



The installation started with a small solution for the old administration building, then the production halls were equipped and finally the new buildings, including the new administration building.

The project now comprises over 210 access points. 36 SALTO wall readers and door controllers are installed on high-traffic external doors and doors to security-critical areas. Electronic XS4 Original escutcheons in the DIN version are installed on a further 40 external doors. Five SALTO GEO electronic cylinders are installed on some interior doors. In addition, 130 XS4 Locker locks are installed on the lockers in the changing rooms, on the refrigerator and on the liquor cabinet in the in-house bar, as well as in the social rooms and the meeting room.

VOIT's customers can rent the meeting room for sales meetings. In this way, the company demonstrates the close relationship between the manufacturer and its sales partners, which is met with a very positive response from end customers. In return, the partners receive a locker in which they store their own documents. These locker compartments are electronically equipped with the XS4 lockers.

Business Case Key benefits
  • Easy administration with ProAccess Space, which even people who are not IT specialists can cope with.
  • Quick allocation of access rights and quick blocking of credentials help to optimise internal processes. If, for example, external fitters forget to hand in their chip, VOIT simply blocks it without the need for lengthy follow-up telephone calls.
  • Thanks to the browser-based system architecture, installation was no big deal.
  • No more problems with lost keys, much less effort in administration, no bureaucracy.
  • Scalability allows step-by-step installation and seamless expansion of the system.
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Business Case Short Text

VOIT STEFAN GMBH is a steel construction company founded in 2002 in Pleystein in the Upper Palatinate. What started with three employees has meanwhile developed into a medium-sized company with almost 100 employees, which processes around 12,000 tons of steel per year and can list more than 2,100 references all over the world.

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