Business Case Intro Text

"Once upon a time, there was a brother and sister who got along very well..." - and since the two siblings are also named Grimm, they joined forces and opened a frozen yogurt shop together, making their name the concept. Fairytale Frozen Yogurt has grown into a company that now operates six shops in Cologne. The almost 50 employees work flexibly in all shops.

Business Case Figures

access points (main entrances at six different locations)



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Fairytale Frozen Yogurt
Fairytale Frozen Yogurt
Business Case Customer Testimonials
Sabine Lüttgau
Managing Director of Fairytale Frozen Yogurt

What convinced us about SALTO KS was the high level of security, but also that it met our requirements exactly. And thanks to the remote opening of doors via the online platform and app, we are now even more flexible than we had hoped.

Business Case Salto Testimonial
Business Case Steps Description
The challenge

With mechanical keys, it was impossible to always open all the shops at the same time. The managers could neither hand out all six keys to each assistant, nor be everywhere themselves to unlock at the same time.

When choosing the new electronic system, the focus was on keeping security high and at the same time achieving more flexibility. It was also important to be able to block the electronic chip immediately in case of loss and to be able to track opening procedures.



The managers of Fairytale Frozen Yogurt wanted more flexibility than with a mechanical locking system for access to their six shops. They achieved this thanks to the Salto KS cloud-based access control system.

In the project, the six shop entrance doors were equipped with Salto GEO electronic cylinders, each connected to a hub, the IQ, via a wireless connection. The IQ establishes the real-time data transfer with the online platform and the app via Wi-Fi.

Salto KS meets the requirements due to the mobile access management via web and mobile app in real time, the protocol function and the possibility to open doors remotely.

Business Case Key benefits
  • Change and block access rights in real time
  • Easy access management
  • Flexible assignment of access rights for employees depending on the working schedule
  • Remote opening of doors via the mobile app
  • Tracking of the process in the branches via the event log
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Business Case Short Text

"Once upon a time, there was a brother and sister who got along very well..." - and since the two siblings are also named Grimm, they joined forces and opened a frozen yogurt shop together, making their name the concept.

Business Case Short Image
Fairytale Frozen Yogurt
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