Bussiness Type Short Description

Efficiency, flexibility, and security are essential to the smooth running of any distribution operation. Without the right access control, this can be challenging given the active nature of freight and logistics with a large transient population of staff, drivers and contractors, high volumes of sometimes valuable goods, and numerous vehicles coming and going, often 24/7 and often under pressure to turnaround between facilities spread far and wide.

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Freight and Logistics
Bussiness Type Long Description

Efficiency, flexibility, and security are essential to the smooth running of any distribution operation. Without the right access control, this can be challenging given the active nature of freight and logistics with a large transient population of staff, drivers and contractors, high volumes of sometimes valuable goods, and numerous vehicles coming and going, often 24/7 and often under pressure to turnaround between facilities spread far and wide. Appropriate levels of security are therefore essential, especially for specialist sites such as temperature-controlled areas, and dangerous goods storage to keep both people and property safe.

With so many variable access considerations, a frictionless security solution which is flexible, convenient, and scalable, is fundamental to provide you the control to set the right access permissions, for the right people at the right time.


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Freight and Logistics
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Garantice la seguridad de su personal y la mina
Mitigate risk by improving the safety of people and the security of property, vehicles, and goods
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Long Description

La minería es una profesión peligrosa. La seguridad de los trabajadores es cada vez más prioritaria. Sean cuales sean las amenazas que necesite prevenir, ya se trate de peligros en el lugar de trabajo, intrusión, vandalismo o robo, una solución de acceso inteligente que proporcione una experiencia de seguridad sin fricciones le ayudará a aumentar la productividad de los empleados y la eficiencia operativa general, manteniendo al mismo tiempo la seguridad y la protección.   

La gestión de la localización de personas es una medida de seguridad importante para todas las minas. El efectivo control de accesos de SALTO proporciona la solución multifacética de seguridad y protección que las minas necesitan para crear un entorno de trabajo seguro y protegido. El avanzado panel de control de accesos de SALTO se integra completamente con los sistemas existentes de CCTV, monitorización de alarmas y otros sistemas de seguridad y gestión de edificios. La monitorización durante todo el día, los siete días de la semana, y los registros de auditoría proporcionan información en tiempo real sobre la actividad de los equipos y del personal, permitiendo la evaluación de riesgos, la respuesta ante emergencias y la detección de intrusiones. Evite el peligro en primer lugar asignando quién puede acceder a cada zona, a las horas que usted especifique, de modo que solo puedan acceder a las zonas de alto riesgo las personas con la formación y las credenciales adecuadas. Esto es especialmente importante para las minas a cielo abierto que se basan en la gestión de la autoridad y los niveles de peligro. SALTO hace que sea más seguro para su personal operar en su mina.

Improve the efficiency of your logistics facility with the ease of centralised control
Improve the efficiency of your logistics facility with the ease of centralised control
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Long Description

SALTO can help you simplify your access control tasks with a centralised system that controls all access points in one integrated platform and is accessible from any browser. 

Having one centralised access control server will enable you to remotely set access rules based on the personnel profile or role, and even allow you to change them in real-time as your operational needs require, giving you greater convenience, security, and control.  

Detailed, real-time data will also give you better visibility to monitor access and analyse movement flows into, out of, and within your site.  It will also enable you to use the audit trails and data generated to continually improve your site security, safety operations, and processes.


User Experience – handle a complex freight and logistics environment with ease
User Experience – handle a complex freight and logistics environment with ease
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Long Description

Warehouses and logistics centres often encompass large-scale operations with several buildings spread over large areas, loading bays, specialist sites such as temperature-controlled or dangerous substance storage, as well as outdoor areas. A great number of doors and gates need to be secured, but it should also be easy for staff and visitors to get where they need to go on your site, to load, unload and distribute goods. 

For this complex environment to run efficiently and safely requires a scalable, reliable, and integration-friendly access control solution.  

SALTO smart access technology provides you with smart-tech convenience saving you administrative time and money and allowing drivers, warehouse staff, contractors, and other temporary visitors to come and go more easily without the hassle of physical keys. 

Future-proof your logistics operation using an access control system with greater flexibility and scalability
Future-proof your logistics operation using an access control system with greater flexibility and scalability
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Long Description

SALTO’s smart access technology helps you realise your future plans for your logistics facilities, by providing new levels of durability, flexibility, and scalability.  Advanced SALTO solutions have the flexibility to convert any access point into a fully featured smart door, are easy to install, require minimum maintenance and therefore future-proof your electronic locking infrastructure.  SALTO’s future-proofing design also includes seamless integration with other building systems, security systems, and property management software platforms including intrusion detection, CCTV & video surveillance, fire alarm, HVAC, and BMS platforms.

Bussiness Type Technology Platforms
Bussiness Type Industry
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