Business Case Intro Text

The Murraylands, the area in South Australia through which the Murray River makes its final journey to the waters of the Great Australian Bight, welcomed the development of The Bridgeport Hotel. Built on the site of its original 1900’s namesake, the state-of-the-art hotel has 100 guest rooms, five bars, three conference areas, a gaming room, and a drive-through bottle shop. It’s very much a local enterprise – creating opportunities for suppliers, producers, and employees in the region, and bringing increased traffic to the town. It’s also very focused on using the best technology available in order to run a smart and efficient operation.

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Business Case Key benefits
  • Enhanced guest experiences with simplified check-in/check-out, by  providing a modern, easy access option to guests with digital keys or key cards giving convenient, instant and safe access.
  • Improved security, with greater automation and process optimization from the guest room to the back-of-house, saving countless staff hours per week.
  • Security and safety via the ability to instantly revoke or change access for staff or guests.
  • Extend smart access beyond the guest room and BOH. Providing seamless access to entrances, perimeter access doors, elevators, gyms, pool, parking and more.
  • Integrated with in-room, check-in, PMS, and complete building management systems to save cost on resources and emphasize sustainability and responsibility.
Business Case Technology
Business Case Location
Murray Bridge
Business Case Bussiness type
Business Case Short Text

The Murraylands, the area in South Australia through which the Murray River makes its final journey to the waters of the Great Australian Bight, welcomed the development of The Bridgeport Hotel.

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