Business Case Intro Text

The Chedi Andermatt is a 5-star deluxe hotel that opened on 6 December 2013. It is the first part of an overall project with which the Egyptian project developer Samih Sawiris is creating an upscale holiday destination in Andermatt that will include six hotels, 42 apartment buildings, 25 chalets, a golf course and a swimming pool.

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The challenge

Based on the fundamental expectations of the hotel operators, the project participants drew up a set of requirements. The architectural requirements had the highest priority and were binding. This meant that the technology had to conform to the architecture. This did not only apply to access control, but here too, of course. The demand was that the guests should not see any technology, but that it should positively support them and facilitate operation. This means, for example, that the doors were designed without cable connections, which is why wireless mortise locks were installed in the doors. The wall readers for the guest rooms were also not allowed to be visible.

Another expectation was that when the guest enters his room, he finds a suitable pre-set ambience. This applies, for example, to the fireplace, the light and the media. At the same time, it should be possible to operate the technology classically via switches etc. and in parallel via iPad. This resulted in a comprehensive integration of access control into the building automation. For example, the doorbell has a connection to the iPad, which is available to every guest in the room. They can also use it to make all the settings for their room, such as heating or lighting.

Other fixed technical points that were decisive for the design of the access control system were the IP-based network via two virtual LANs and the desire for an online system both at the hotel room doors and for the lift control.



The decisive factor for the choice was that SALTO could deliver a solution that exactly met the hotel's requirements. In addition, those responsible were convinced by the consistency of the products, i.e. that they received wall readers, electronic cylinders and escutcheons from a single source, as well as the freedom of choice for door handles and mortise locks.

The operators had particularly high demands on the architecture and interior design - as a result, the entire technology had to fit in with the architecture. This also applied to the access control and here especially to the wall readers of the guest rooms, which were not allowed to be visible. They are therefore integrated into a wooden panel. Only an LED running through the panelling and a symbol on the wood indicate the reader.

In addition, the access control solution is integrated into the higher-level building control system. This allows guests to operate the technology, including the fireplace, lighting and media, classically via switches etc. and in parallel via iPad.

The access system in "The Chedi Andermatt" is largely implemented online in the guest area. The hotel uses a total of 240 SALTO online wall readers at the external doors, guest room doors and in the lifts. The online system is supplemented by an offline networked infrastructure in the back-of-house via SALTO Virtual Network (SVN). The hotel uses around 150 XS4 Original electronic escutcheons and around 100 SALTO GEO electronic cylinders. The escutcheons are used in the administration, the cylinders in the service rooms on the floors (e.g. storage or luggage room).

In addition to the building control system, the access control system is connected to the employee clothing dispenser system, which only works with a card, as well as the video surveillance of the external doors. Certain access events trigger the transmission of video images to certain monitors.

For administration, the building uses SALTO's ProAccess Space management software, which is integrated with the Micros Fidelio PMS (Property Management System).


Business Case Key benefits
  • Online access control system in the guest area due to high security requirements
  • Possibility of blocking entire floors, e.g. when high-ranking guests are staying in the hotel
  • Versatile and comprehensive product portfolio, with which the architectural and technical requirements could be met exactly
  • Integration with the building automation system, video surveillance and employee clothing dispense system
  • Almost invisible installation of the wall readers on the guest room doors behind wooden panelling
  • Freedom of choice for mortise locks and door handles
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Business Case Short Text

The Chedi Andermatt is a 5-star deluxe hotel that opened on 6 December 2013. It is the first part of an overall project with which the Egyptian project developer Samih Sawiris is creating an upscale holiday destination in Andermatt that will include six hotels, 42 apartment buildings, 25 chalets, a golf course and a swimming pool.

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