Business Case Intro Text

Cienna Varsity Ridge is a dedicated build-to-rent development on Queensland’s Gold Coast. The master-planned community was developed and is run by Cienna Living, part of the HomeCorp Property Group. It offers 257 apartments, along with a range of lifestyle facilities including gym, pool, residents’ lounge, cafés, rooftop, barbecue and dog exercise area. 

In developing Varsity Ridge, Cienna’s aim was to make renting easier and to create not just homes, but a community. They want to give residents as much independence from the building management as possible, but at the same time still maintain the security and peace of mind that tenants value.

Business Case Figures

access points




Pool, Residents Lounge, Dog Exercise Area, Rooftop BBQ Area and Gym

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Cienna Varsity Ridge BTR
Cienna Varsity Ridge BTR
Cienna Varsity Ridge BTR
Cienna Varsity Ridge BTR
Cienna Varsity Ridge BTR
Cienna Varsity Ridge BTR
Cienna Varsity Ridge BTR
Cienna Varsity Ridge BTR
Cienna Varsity Ridge BTR
Cienna Varsity Ridge BTR
Cienna Varsity Ridge BTR
Cienna Varsity Ridge BTR
Business Case Customer Testimonials
Michael Coe
General Manager and Principal of Cienna Living

Residents have a total a sense of belonging. It’s their own apartment and they don’t have to seek approvals again and again for access.

Business Case Salto Testimonial
Hayden Flett
Head of Sales Enablement

It is fantastic to see our solution making a positive impact for the operator as well as the residents. SALTO KS is giving residents a sense of control and greater security over their homes. We are proud to showcase Cienna as a best-in-class example of SALTO KS, and the BuildingLink integration, in action.

Hayden Flett
Business Case Steps Description
The challenge

Michael Coe, General Manager and principal of Cienna Living explains. “Our vision is to do things differently to other rental providers.” One key goal of Cienna’s was to reduce friction between the building management and residents. Their goal was to do this by giving residents autonomy over their home – deciding who comes in and out, for example, or self-managing access to the shared facilities. “That is how we create a true sense of belonging”, says Michael. “But of course, on the other hand, it can’t be too open, because access must never be at the cost of security. Our residents must all feel safe in their homes.”


Michael leads the Living Management Team, which serves and supports the residents throughout their time at Varsity Ridge. “Living Management is a paperless process,” he explains, “It is based on the BuildingLink property management system and integrated with the Salto’s KS smart access control software.”

Residents manage access to their Varsity Ridge home themselves via a smartphone app. Their phone doubles up as their ‘key’ or they can use a physical card or fob smart credentials. The same system gives them access to the car park, reception area, lifts, their own apartment unit doors and the shared facilities. They can choose to grant access to friends and family to make receiving visitors easy, whether they’re at home themselves or not. Residents can use the app to book, say, the barbecue area or residents’ lounge, and their booking details are automatically sent to Salto KS, which gives them exclusive access at the reserved time. 

“The whole system is automated”, explains Michael. “When their tenancy is approved, their details flow through into the Building Link and Salto KS systems. Once they have been authorised for the areas they are allowed to access, they don’t have to constantly go back to the building management team every time for approval. The resident has autonomy and independence, and the site remains secure and safe.

The system not only makes residents’ lives easier, but is a dream for Cienna to operate. Because it’s cloud-based, Michael’s team can manage it from anywhere – onsite or off. He tells the story of a resident who was using the community pool when she realised she had left not only her smart key fob, but her phone, inside her apartment. “She simply asked another resident to call the Living Management team”, he says, “and when the call came through, which was to me, I was able to open her apartment remotely, from my home. She was back in her home in an instant, and we didn’t have the cost or hassle of calling out locksmiths.”

Michael’s team has complete visibility of who is accessing, or attempting to access, which areas, through the Salto KS audit trail feature. “This allows us to plan resources, and gives us a heads up about any potential issues before they happen”, explains Michael. 

Business Case Key benefits

The Living Management approach with Salto KS and BuildingLink has helped to make Varsity Ridge a great place to live for residents, and a highly efficient development to operate for Cienna. 

  • Resident experience – residents love the Salto KS cloud-based smart access solutions and the autonomy and independence that it give them. 

  • Higher rentals – higher rentals are achievable vis-à-vis competitive properties due to the technologically advanced user-friendly experience for residents.

  • Sense of belonging – the Living Management app makes residents feel ‘at home’, fostering a sense of belonging and community. 

  • Eliminate friction – because residents have control, there is no friction between them and building management. The system fosters a sense of trust.

  • Security – with no keys to lose, or get passed around, residents are safer in their home.

  • Modern feel – the residents love using an app – it’s the way they want to engage. 

  • Ease of management – Michael’s team can manage any access issues from anywhere; onsite, from head office or even whilst working at home. 

  • Productivity – because they are not dealing with routine access requests, Michael’s team are freed up for higher value tasks.

  • Relationships – management can engage with residents at a personal, not purely functional, level. The Salto KS system frees up time, providing management with more time to deal with residents for real need. 

  • Visibility – the audit function in Salto KS enables management to spot any attempted security breaches and problems before they occur.

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Gold Coast
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Cienna Varsity Ridge is a dedicated build-to-rent development on Queensland’s Gold Coast.

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