Business Case Intro Text

The new Beukenstein assisted living location in Driebergen offers vulnerable elderly people a modern, pleasant, and safe living environment. To ensure the flexibility of staff and the safety of residents, the elderly care organization De Brug wanted a keyless solution for access to the new location and all rooms. SALTO's electronic access control system supports this with user-friendly solutions that are also easy to manage.

De Brug, in Driebergen and Doorn, is a leading elderly care organization where everyone cares for each other. The organization is specialized in offering support in all kinds of daily matters, but also in providing professional care. This is done for various target groups, including people with dementia or memory problems. Regardless of whether the help is provided at home or at residential locations, the staff ensures that clients remain in control of their lives for as long as possible.


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access points


daily users

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De Brug
De Brug 01
De Brug 02
De Brug 03
De Brug 04
Business Case Customer Testimonials
Martin Zoons
Coordinator, Department of Technology at De Brug

"SALTO is a reliable system with minimal downtime and good support".

Business Case Salto Testimonial
Business Case Steps Description
The challenge

Beukenstein Nursing Home in Driebergen is a newly-developed location of elderly care organization De Brug. At this location, which resembles a country-style house, vulnerable elderly people can live in attractive and green surroundings. The modern, future-proof nursing home offers people with dementia and other care needs a contemporary, pleasant, and safe living environment. 

"We wanted a keyless building to guarantee the flexibility of staff and the safety of clients," said De Brug Department of Technology Coordinator Martin Zoons.

De Brug cooperates closely with healthcare institutions De Bilthuysen and Lyvore, and will eventually merge. It was an advantage that Lyvore already had positive experiences with SALTO's electronic access control systems.

"This makes it easier to combine security with freedom of movement for clients,” said Zoons. “In addition, there are many employees working at our locations who all have their own tasks. It is nice that they no longer need different keys, but one SALTO fob that we can provide with the correct access rights remotely and centrally."

From experience, Zoons said he also knows that managing physical keys takes a lot of time and organization. "We have several locations and can't always be everywhere to issue keys,” he said. “Creating and deleting fobs in the system is easy. A digital solution takes less time, is more manageable, and therefore safer."



On the advice of colleagues working at Lyvore, De Brug contacted SALTO Business Partner Deurplus. "Together with Hendri van den Hoorn, project manager at Deurplus, we discussed our wishes. He understood the situation and translated it into a suitable design. An access control system based on SALTO Systems proved to be a good fit with the setup and the different client groups at the Beukenstein location."

The entrances to the buildings are equipped with SALTO wall readers and almost all of the internal doors are fitted with SALTO. "Staff and users can move freely around the building easily with a SALTO smart key fob credential. Together with Deurplus, the various zones in Beukenstein have been set up, for example, for user rooms or facility areas. The access rights of the staff have also been defined. For example, a physiotherapist has no access to user rooms, while the nursing staff does. Within these zones, staff can move around freely with a smart key fob that defines their specific access rights. Depending on the location, users, visitors, and/or family members can also have a key fob.

Because healthcare institution Lyvore was already using SALTO smart access technology, De Brug was able to set up its own partition for Beukenstein within their environment. In the meantime, De Brug has built up experience in managing the access control system and is now managing it completely independently. In addition to the easy assignment of access rights, the SALTO ProAccess Space management software also offers other benefits to the organization. For instance, the environment is always up to date. 

"The online wall readers at the entrances automatically make changes to the user and staff access levels right on their smart key fob when presented,” said Zoons. “If the key fobs are then used at the stand-alone smart locks in the building, it is ensured that people can only enter areas for which they are authorized. In this way, we always have complete control and 24/7 security with a user-friendly system that makes the daily management of the facility much simpler and more secure."


Business Case Key benefits
  • Improve safety and security for staff, users, and visitors and gain 24/7 activity oversight. 
  • Adjust access permissions and schedules on the spot, revoke terminated staff users or visitors immediately, and maintain security at all times.
  • Help staff, users, or visitors come and go more easily.
  • Access rules based on role or user profiles allow you to provide privileged access to any door remotely and in real-time. 
  • Optimises the use of public access, private, and restricted areas by employing the flexibility of the system to change access plans easily.
  • Security risks related to lost physical keys can be completely eliminated in a flexible all-in-one, web-based system that integrates all access control needs, intrusion detection, and building automation into one simple integrated contactless solution.
  • Automate repetitive daily functions and incident responses to save time, improve maintenance planning, and reduce on-site staff requirements.
  • Easy maintenance includes a low battery warning. Battery-powered smart door locks are easy to install and integrate on existing doors, allowing you to keep your original doors and locks in place making installation quick, simple, and cost-effective.
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The new Beukenstein assisted living location in Driebergen offers vulnerable elderly people a modern, pleasant, and safe living environment.

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