Business Case Intro Text

At Hotel Café Restaurant Boerhaave in Voorhout, the aim is for guests to feel welcome and at ease. They enjoy delicious food and drinks in a hospitable atmosphere. With Salto KS, a user-friendly, cloud-based smart access solution, access to all guest rooms and access points can be managed remotely and in real-time. This gives staff, suppliers, visitors and guests a lot of flexibility and freedom–without compromising on security.

Hotel Café Restaurant Boerhaave has been in existence since 1876. In 2015, the current owners decided to embark on a new adventure. Hein and Jolanda Veenhof completely renovated their hospitality business. The characteristic building was given a completely new look. In addition the café now offers more than 100 types of beer and a complete drinks, lunch, and dinner menu. Six stylish hotel rooms have been furnished for guests who wish to stay the night. Boerhaave is also a great location for parties or business events. Hospitality and enjoyment are central to everything the enthusiastic team does. That way, guests do not only leave satisfied, they also gladly return.


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Business Case Customer Testimonials
Jolanda Veenhof
Co-Owner Boerhaave

“We are a relatively small brand, but it gives us tremendous peace of mind that we can control access to guest rooms, property, and people centrally and remotely.”

Business Case Salto Testimonial
Business Case Steps Description
The challenge

A restart at the Hotel Café Restaurant Boerhaave also meant a new team, and the new team members needed to be given access to the premises at different times. 

"For example, the cooks start earlier than the waiters in the restaurant,” said Jolanda Veenhof. “Moreover, we work with different shifts. Everyone needs to be able to get in easily when they need to. At the same time, not everyone needs to have access to the same rooms. For example, staff all have access to the changing room, while only managers can enter the office. And then we have our hotel guests coming and going. Regulating access for all these different groups and areas used to be quite a challenge."

In the past, Boerhaave used only mechanical keys, but managing and issuing them was time-consuming. It also meant that the owners had to be contactable at all times. Additionally, there was a risk of employees or hotel guests forgetting or losing their keys. A burglary accelerated the process of transitioning to electronic access. Boerhaave contacted Salto Business Partner ISERO/Freke Inbraakbeveiliging to gain advice on architectural improvements and a reliable and flexible access control system that could be easily managed centrally and remotely.



After an analysis of the situation and requirements, Freke Inbraakbeveiliging recommended the Salto KS system. With this cloud-based smart access system, it is possible to manage access control remotely via the secure Salto KS website or the Salto KS App. The administrator can also open doors remotely via the app. The IQ of Salto KS is the hub of the system and connects the  Salto KS access points and wireless smart locks, the Salto KS management platform, and the App.

Veenhof finds the chosen solution very suitable for the hospitality industry. "This solution is very versatile and I can control everything securely through the Salto KS website or app on my phone,” she said “It is easy to give people access in time blocks according to their role or services via their tag or card. An additional advantage is that I can open locks remotely and fully automate hotel operations. This is very handy for hotel guests if we are closed on a Monday, for example. Guests call when they are at the entrance and are let in remotely. They then find their key card, with the rights tailored to their length of stay, in the room."

It is a great advantage that the owners no longer have to be present at all times yet they still have maximum control over security and who has access to specific rooms and when. 

"This gives us, our guests, and employees extra flexibility and freedom,” said Veenhof. “We are a relatively small company, but it gives us enormous peace of mind that we can control access centrally and from every location."


Business Case Key benefits
  • Provide 24/7 seamless access to entrances, perimeter access doors, elevators, gyms, business area, parking, and more.
  • Maximum flexibility for staff, visitors, service providers, and hotel guest access rights management.
  • Improved operations, with greater automation and process optimisation from the guest room to the back-of-house. Ability to better manage all access rights easily, instantly, and from every location
  • Easy remote opening. Extend, modify, or revoke permissions quickly and easily as guest needs change.
  • Improve workflows and processes across the business–from reservations to front desk, maintenance to security management, and housekeeping to sales and marketing.
  • Easy to install, reliable, and low maintenance. Possible remote support from the installer.


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At Hotel Café Restaurant Boerhaave in Voorhout, the aim is for guests to feel welcome and at ease. They enjoy delicious food and drinks in a hospitable atmosphere. With Salto KS, a user-friendly, cloud-based smart access solution, access to all guest rooms and access points can be managed remotely and in real-time.

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