Business Case Intro Text

Located in the new Basque neighbourhood, Txomin Berria, Urbaia Rooms is a charming and modern hotel which first opened on 1 July, 2022. It consists of 16 fully equipped rooms with private bathrooms, with the highest quality equipment and facilities, alongside stylish decoration. Guests have PIN access, and the hotel offers everything you need for an unforgettable stay in San Sebastián.

Business Case Figures

access points



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Business Case Steps Description

Urbaia Rooms introduced Salto products and technology across its 20 access points. All 16 rooms were fitted with XS4 Original electronic keypad locks, enhancing security and control by offering three possible configuration methods to verify user identity and grant access. 

Salto XS4 One locks were installed in the three storerooms, the evolution of the Original model which incorporates a new reader. This version is compatible with most European mortise cylinders and locks. 

Finally, at the main entrance, the hotel installed the Design XS European wall reader which, together with the Salto controller, provides the hotel with a complete security solution.

Business Case Key benefits
  • Hotel guests receive a PIN code to access their rooms automatically, meaning there is  no need to download an app.
  • An entirely digital process, from reservation to check out.
  • Activity log: control of all user movements 24 hours a day. In addition, the hotel can send personalised welcome messages, view the security lockout log, and override privacy mode in an emergency.
  • Greater security with greater simplicity: better value, faster responses, and an improved experience for users.
Business Case Location
San Sebastian
Business Case Bussiness type
Business Case Short Text

Located in the new Basque neighbourhood, Txomin Berria, Urbaia Rooms is a charming and modern hotel which first opened on 1 July, 2022.

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