Business Case Intro Text

Nebrija University has grown steadily since it was founded in 1995 and, today, is considered one of the most prestigious universities in Spain. It consists of three campuses, Madrid-Princesa, La Berzosa, and Dehesa de la Villa, and three residence halls: Augustinus-Nebrija, Nebrija-Chamberí, and Nebrija-Corazonistas. 

The Augustinus-Nebrija residence hall is located in a lively university neighbourhood in Moncloa, complete with green parks and shops. The Nebrija-Chamberí residence hall is located in the well-known Chamberí neighbourhood, while the Nebrija-Corazonistas residence hall is also located in Moncloa, near the Ciudad Universitaria and beside two of Madrid’s largest parks.

The three residence halls comprise a total of 400 beds, with a mixture of single and double rooms with private or shared bathrooms. The halls offer a wide range of services, large common areas, and numerous study rooms.

Business Case Figures

university residence halls


access points

Business Case Image List
Nebrija Residencia
Nebrija Residencia
Nebrija Residencia
Nebrija Residencia
Nebrija Residencia
Business Case Salto Testimonial
Luis Díaz del Río
ARCÓN - SALTO’s partner in Spain

Nebrija University has several buildings with a wide variety of doors (wood, metal, glass etc.), which required a flexible solution with minimal disruption. Thanks to SALTO's extensive catalogue, the university managed to find the best solution for its facilities.

Business Case Steps Description

For access control in its residence halls, Nebrija University opted for XS4 Original, an advanced smart lock system which is easy to install and configure with universal compatibility, and also features an elegant, unique design. They also opted for escutcheons for the site’s XS4 One BLE locks, which are smart, secure, innovative, and easy to install. 

In addition, the three halls of residence have SALTO XS4 KPBS escutcheons with panic bar devices, which stand out for their reliability and easy installation. 

Likewise, universal Energy Saving Devices (ESD) have been installed in all the residential rooms - a cardless solution which makes it very convenient for rooms equipped with BLE locks.

Finally, the  solution also includes SALTO wall readers which, together with SALTO access controllers, provide the three residence halls with a complete security solution with online and real-time access.

Business Case Key benefits
  • Access control that guarantees safety, protection, flexibility, and efficiency in all student accommodations.
  • Ability to manage access permission quickly and without keys - a more secure alternative to using physical keys. 
  • More freedom for residents, and more visibility and flexibility for administrators, 24 hours a day. 
  • Smart wash as a security and identification device for access control to buildings.
  • Lower energy consumption by using the internet with online and cloud-connected devices, sensors, and applications.
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Business Case Short Text

Nebrija University has grown steadily since it was founded in 1995 and, today, is considered one of the most prestigious universities in Spain.

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Nebrija Residencia
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