Business Case Intro Text

During his search for an office in the Netherlands, Developer Cees Rodenburg noticed that the supply in his city, Woerden, was limited. There were hardly any collective business premises that really excited him which prompted him to develop his own office concept, AT the Office. Seeking to deliver a “wow factor,” Rodenburg created a space with a fresh, light interior and appearance – a place where people would actually enjoy working. He added innovative office concepts like meeting rooms with a roof terrace, a Starbucks coffee corner, and a gym with a personal trainer. AT the Office offers all of this, plus a transparent price model with subscriptions.

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access points


daily users

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Business Case Steps Description
The challenge

In addition to offering a modern office work space, AT The Office, Rodenburg wanted to provide 24/7 access to tenants. Being open all the time, however, placed very high demands on access control for the building, common areas, amenities, and parking. 

“To ensure that tenants can focus on their core business, we want to offer them a good experience. They need to be able to get in without a lot of action and risk,” said Rodenburg. “On the other hand, as a landlord, we wanted minimal management to make this freedom possible in a secure and controlled way."

The AT The Office team also wanted to link other systems to access control including the usual areas that need to be incorporated – like parking management and the intrusion alarm system – but also to other areas such as purchasing coffee, managing printing, and access to the gym. AT The Office sought a well-organised access solution that could be centrally managed, easy-to-use, and wasn’t too time consuming. 


Business Case Key benefits
  • Improve safety and security for staff, users, and visitors and gain 24/7 activity oversight. 
  • Adjust access permissions and schedules on the spot, revoke terminated employees or visitors immediately, maintain security at all times.
  • SALTO access control integrates with other security systems such as alarm and intrusion and the building’s gym, coffee corner, and copiers.
  • Detailed real-time data to manage people counting to track the number of users entering and leaving an area and analyse movement flows. Audit trails to help improve site security and safety.
Business Case Technology
Business Case Location
Business Case Short Text

During his search for an office in the Netherlands, Developer Cees Rodenburg noticed that the supply in his city, Woerden, was limited. There were hardly any collective business premises that really excited him which prompted him to develop his own office concept, AT the Office.

Business Case Short Image
At the Office
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