Business Case Intro Text

The Olympic Stadium is a tangible reminder of the 1928 Summer Olympics. Especially for this worldwide sporting event, architect Jan Wils designed the characteristic stadium in the style of the Amsterdam School. The red bricks and steel window and door frames give the building a unique historic appearance. After years of use as a sports complex, the Olympic Stadium was drastically renovated in the 1990s and reopened on May 13, 2000. Since then it has also been a national monument. The stadium is currently jointly owned by Stichting Olympisch Stadion Amsterdam (SOSA) and Bouwinvest. There are now 22,500 seats around the athletics track and offices have been created in the former catacombs.

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The challenge

As a multifunctional complex, Olympic Stadium has many different user groups. In addition to the regular users such as office tenants and the athletics club, there are events on a regular basis. These external parties also need temporary access to the complex on these occasions. Arnold Groot, Head of Administration for the Amsterdam Olympic Stadium Foundation, says: "In the past we used mechanical keys. There were many keys in circulation and it was a lot of work to issue and collect them. We had limited insight into who exactly had a key and sometimes keys got lost. That's why the association needed new locks anyway. It was not an option to replace the locks so the same thing could happen again. In actuality, it was very difficult for the association to maintain an overview and get this under control."


After an extensive selection process it turned out that the access control system and management platform of SALTO Systems was a good match with the requirements of the Olympic Stadium. This choice was made in close consultation and advised by Safe Beveiliging. Groot: "We certainly saw the advantages of a digital access control system, but we are dealing with a national monument which has many traditional steel doors and fences. In total we have about a kilometer of exterior wall. We didn't want any large-scale renovation or interventions." The Neo electronic cylinder from SALTO Systems met the requirements because this digital lock can be installed without physical modifications to the doors and fences. The experts at Safe Security carried out the measurement and installation with a tight deadline.

The access rights of the various user groups are now centrally defined and with the user-friendly management software SALTO Space, managing the various tags is very easy. "Together with Safe Security, we made an inventory of all the doors. Subsequently, we created the different user groups. It is now simple to issue tags. Moreover, we can easily assign specific access rights and time zones to them. For instance, a maintenance company only needs access to specific areas during the day, while the emergency service engineers need to be able to access technical areas 24/7."

An additional advantage is that at events, tags can be issued for specific zones and times. Groot: "SALTO's software provides an overview. Users are required to update their tags once every 30 days. We have chosen to do this centralized. A wall reader has been installed at the front door of our office for this specific purpose. This ensures that we always have a grip on who is allowed to be in the stadium and where. If the permissions have expired, the tag is automatically blocked." SALTO Space is hosted in Safe Security's data center. SOSA only needs to log into the management environment.

Business Case Key benefits
  • 24/7 controlled access
  • Centralized assignment of permissions for different user groups
  • Minimum management, maximum control
  • Installation with consideration of the stadium's monument statusĀ 
  • Convenient issuing of temporary tags at events
  • Regular update of access rights
  • Monitoring options during incidents
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The Olympic Stadium is a tangible reminder of the 1928 Summer Olympics. Especially for this worldwide sporting event, architect Jan Wils designed the characteristic stadium in the style of the Amsterdam School.

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