Business Case Intro Text

The RheinMain CongressCenter is an architectural delight in the heart of Wiesbaden, the capital of Germany’s Hesse state. Opened on April 13, 2018, it accommodates up to 12,500 people in 45 halls, rooms, and studios, the largest of which can hold 9,000 people.

The project began when the Wiesbaden city council decided to demolish the Rhein-Main-Hallen multi-purpose hall and convention centre, and build the RheinMain CongressCenter in its place. With a value of €194 million, 24 architectural firms tendered proposals for the project. Following submission assessments, the contract was awarded to Frankfurt-based Ferdinand Heide Architekt, and a groundbreaking ceremony took place on January 16, 2015.



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Business Case Customer Testimonials
Oliver Schulmerich
CEO, Hieronymus Sicherheits-Systemhaus GmbH & Co. KG

For us, the functionality is decisive, not the price. Everything has to fit for a project of this size. Accordingly, for the systems that Honeywell does not offer itself, we relied on manufacturers who have already implemented integrations that work in practice. We wanted to install an overall solution that works harmoniously.

Business Case Salto Testimonial
Business Case Steps Description
The challenge

All of the halls, rooms, and studios in the RheinMain CongressCenter can be individually adapted to meet the needs of anyone using them. The nature of the conference centre means that there are constantly changing access rights: rooms and areas are rented temporarily to host conventions, meetings, conferences, and other events.

In addition to the number of doors and regularly shifting access requirements, the varying dimensions, materials, and uses of these access points presented a unique challenge. Among others, the building featured wood-and-steel doors, steel-framed doors, transformer box doors, industrial doors, façade doors, and other special doors – each of which required unique access control solutions.




Considering the ever-changing access requirements along with the number of doors in the building, electronic access control was the only feasible option for RheinMain CongressCenter.

The building planners specified an electronic offline access system with virtual networking. To meet this requirement, the Honeywell IQ MultiAccess access management software was integrated with SALTO’s virtual networked solution using the SALTO Host Interface Protocol (SHIP). SHIP is a communication protocol that allows control of SALTO’s offline and wireless door components using third-party software – in this case, Honeywell’s IQ MultiAccess program.  

Most of the doors were fitted with electronic SALTO GEO cylinders. Of these, 127 half cylinders were installed in the escape route terminals, 16 key switches for the intruder alarm system, and 30 key switches for loading gates. 

Around 350 knob cylinders secure offices and technical rooms, while about 370 double cylinders were used on the external doors and interleading doors between different usage units. The usage units include the public area, catering areas, event halls, conference rooms, changing rooms, and the administration area. Here, it was primarily a matter of controlling who is allowed in and out, depending on their booking status. 

Other products installed include about 30 electronic padlocks – used to flexibly secure various objects in the building. Six SALTO online wall readers were also introduced. These readers are operated by three of Honeywell’s ACS8 door controllers. They function not only as access readers but also as updaters in the virtual network.

Fitting the doors with SALTO’s high-tech components addressed the challenges presented by the various door types and constructions while retaining the functions and advantages of the SALTO Virtual Network and SALTO Wireless. With this setup, actions are triggered via the Honeywell IQ MultiAccess software, integrating about 1,000 access points in the RheinMain CongressCenter into SALTO’s access control solution.




Business Case Key benefits
  • Simple management of constantly changing access rights using SALTO’s ProAccess Space management software and Honeywell’s IQ MultiAccess.
  • Large model range of electronic cylinders to equip a wide variety of doors, gates, and switches. 
  • Integration for a comprehensive security system.
  • Completely eliminates the need for mechanical cylinders.
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The RheinMain CongressCenter is an architectural delight in the heart of Wiesbaden, the capital of Germany’s Hesse state. Opened on April 13, 2018, it accommodates up to 12,500 people in 45 halls, rooms, and studios, the largest of which can hold 9,000 people.

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