Business Case Intro Text

ScaleHub was founded by a group of entrepreneurial friends in the Summer of 2014. They started hosting events to bring entrepreneurs together and offer flex desks at the old Ford garage at the Overtoom in Amsterdam West. Fast forward to today, ScaleHub’s flexible workspaces host companies of all sizes and stages and believe that a suitable workplace can accelerate a business by giving a team space to focus and collaborate. A space that makes them feel proud to come to work. 

Businesses are ever-evolving. Therefore, ScaleHub makes it easy to adapt to the workplace by up or downsizing offices as needed. Those distracting yet important details, like making sure the Wi-Fi is fast and secure or that the coffee tastes good, are all part of the service. ScaleHub members can work from any of the seven locations spread out throughout Amsterdam, all selected for their easy accessibility and closeness to public transport, major highways, and the city centre.

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ScaleHub Offices - Salto KS access control solutions for coworking spaces
ScaleHub Offices - Salto KS access control solutions for coworking spaces
ScaleHub Offices - Salto KS access control solutions for coworking spaces
ScaleHub Offices - Salto KS access control solutions for coworking spaces
Business Case Customer Testimonials
Thom van Wijk
CEO ScaleHub Offices

The seamless integration of Salto KS with our CRM software was the most important part of our decision to work with Salto.

Business Case Salto Testimonial
Business Case Steps Description
The Challenge

ScaleHub was founded by a group of entrepreneurial friends in the Summer of 2014. They started hosting events to bring entrepreneurs together and offering flex desks at the old Ford garage at the Overtoom in Amsterdam West. Fast-forward to today. ScaleHub’s flexible workspaces host companies of all sizes and stages. They believe that a suitable workplace can accelerate a business by giving a team space to focus and collaborate—a space that makes them feel proud to come to work. 

ScaleHub Offices currently operate across seven locations. Given the impossibility of simultaneously managing access to each site, they faced considerable challenges in accommodating individuals who may have misplaced or forgotten their keys. Implementing electronic locks, which can be controlled via a dedicated application, has proven to be an ideal solution to this issue. Safety, convenience, and sustainability were high on their list when deciding on the perfect solution.


Since incorporating Salto KS into the building and, therefore, property management operations, ScaleHub has observed significant improvements in various aspects. The most notable benefit is, of course, the security it provides. ScaleHub now has a clear record of who can access what, eliminating the concern of misplaced or excess physical keys in the office. Another benefit is the substantial time savings, as they no longer need to visit each location to grant access physically; instead, they can efficiently unlock doors remotely. In addition, the cost savings are considerable due to the reduced time spent on this task, which now takes mere seconds to complete. 

The solution positively impacts the environment, as employees are not required to travel to each site by car for access-related matters. This allows them to remain at their current location, contributing to reduced carbon emissions and a more sustainable business operation.

Prior to implementing Salto smart locking tehnology, the access management relied on traditional keys or physical tags. Each time a new tenant arrived, they incurred additional expenses for key duplication. This approach was not only costly but also inconvenient, as they were consistently reliant on the services of key makers to accommodate incoming tenants.

While the primary users are their tenants, ScaleHub also utilizes it themselves. It didn't change their roles, but they certainly value the added convenience and security. 

ScaleHub’s CEO, Thom, consistently asks, “Should one continuously resolve issues or aim for a permanent solution?" Guided by this principle, they have integrated Salto Systems' advanced access control technology with the objective of attaining a durable and comprehensive solution 

Business Case Key benefits
  • Seamless, keyless coworking space experiences.
  • Automated access permissions via your booking or space management platform.
  • Managing multiple working spaces within the same platform to improve security, reduce shrinkage and increase operational efficiency even further by integrating with third-party applications.
  • Combining workplace flexibility with enterprise-grade security for users, staff and assets.
  • Analysing valuable data to identify trends, optimise usage and support community development.
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Business Case Short Text

ScaleHub’s flexible workspaces host companies of all sizes and stages and believe that a suitable workplace can accelerate a business by giving a team space to focus and collaborate. A space that makes them feel proud to come to work.

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ScaleHub Offices - Salto KS access control solutions for coworking spaces
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