Business Case Intro Text

Located at the foot of the Collserola mountain range is the new, modern SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona building, which arose from the need to create a specialised centre for paediatric oncology care at the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona. This expansion aims to serve a large number of children and adolescents more efficiently and effectively.

The centre has 5 floors, 3 car park levels, 37 individual inpatient rooms, 1 outpatient clinic, 2 operating theatres, 1 special unit for immunocompromised patients, consultation rooms, a pharmacy, research laboratories, a nuclear medicine unit, an auditorium, and a cafeteria.

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square metres


access points




paediatric cancer centre in Spain


paediatric cancer centre in Europe

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Business Case Customer Testimonials
Andrea Cascio
Technical Office, Directorate of Infrastructure, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu

At Hospital Sant Joan de Déu we have been using the SALTO system for more than 10 years. It allows us to control access to restricted areas, lifts, and even lockers, both inside the hospital and in other buildings outside the complex. It allows us to manage access to areas restricted exclusively to staff, as well as inpatients or patients’ relatives, depending on the care needs of each unit.

Business Case Salto Testimonial
Roger García
ARCON, SALTO Systems Partner

With SALTO technology, the centre has gained agility in security and access management compared to a traditional mechanical system. Greater versatility in user management has been achieved by allowing users to modify their permissions using SVN technology for access control.

Business Case Steps Description
The challenge

Teams from Rai Pinto Studio and Arauna Studio have been in charge of undertaking the design project for the Pediatric Cancer Center’s interior spaces, brainchild of the architecture firm Pinearq.

The project design took into account the 4 P's of paediatric patient care: 

  1. Play: play is an essential element in a child's life, so the spaces are designed to encourage play. 
  2. Parents: relaxation and rest areas have been built for patients' families. 
  3. Pain-free: the design is inspired by nature, with natural light and colours that create relaxing atmospheres. 
  4. Professionals: patient care professionals have a fundamental role to play.

The centre is located in the heart of nature, between the city of Barcelona and the Sierra de Collserola Natural Park, which led the team of architects to look to nature for the facility's interior, with the aim of creating a healing space in a place full of colour and hope.

The project design sought to improve the facilities through the use of safe materials that would provide comfort for patients, families, and professionals at the centre. 

Salto Systems technology was chosen for access control from the very outset, as it provides a secure, keyless system that ensures the protection of patients, family members, staff, and medical equipment.


Salto has provided a comprehensive access control solution that allows for safe and efficient patient care.

“Hospital efficiency is crucial not only for the well-being of patients and staff, but also for the healthcare system as a whole. Using Salto’s all-in-one smart access control platform, SJD Pediatric Cancer Center managers can easily control staff access from anywhere, open doors remotely, and allow or restrict access when necessary,” says Roger García of ARCON, approved partner of Salto Systems. “With Salto, we have achieved greater versatility in user management by allowing users to modify their permissions using SVN technology for access control.”

Salto Space's data-on-card access control platform is an easy-to-use system that integrates all physical security needs through networked, 100% standalone wireless smart locks. This technology allows for flexible management without mechanical keys. The system is easy to install and maintain and totally secure, protecting the premises 24/7. 

With Salto's access control system, SJD Pediatric Cancer Center has complete control of all its offices, rooms, lifts, consultation rooms, operating theatres, private rooms, and more. Managers can track in real time who has access to each area, as well as when and where. It is also possible to provide personalised access to specific profiles of staff, volunteers, visitors, and auxiliary services. 

In terms of product, the centre opted to install the Salto XS4 Original+ electronic lock model, designed to retrofit most European profile doors and mortice locks. This lock also features the latest mobile and contactless ID technology, as well as incorporating BLUEnet Wireless technology to ensure maximum security and connectivity with the access control infrastructure.

Wall readers and control units have been installed in oncology and research labs, outpatient clinics, inpatient and pharmacy areas, providing the entire facility with a comprehensive security solution.

Business Case Key benefits
  • Comprehensive security and management of all access points for controlling who can access and when from a single management platform.
  • No problems with lost or duplicated keys and better protection of the centre's data and security. 
  • Simplified security and access management to multiple sites on a single platform.
  • Enable added protection for medical files, pharmacy and controlled substances.
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Business Case Short Text

Located at the foot of the Collserola mountain range is the new, modern SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona building, which arose from the need to create a specialised centre for paediatric oncology care at the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona.

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