Business Case Intro Text

United College is an affiliated institution of the University of Waterloo which is in Ontario, Canada. The college has two functions: It offers classes and serves as a residence for both undergraduate and graduate students. The purpose of United College is to support the University of Waterloo community by providing a unique learning environment that educates social innovators to shape a just and humane world. 

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United College at the University of Waterloo
Business Case Customer Testimonials
Peter Pillsworth
Facilities Manager

Salto smart locking solutions have improved security as well as how we manage access throughout United College. Lost keys – which were a major source of time, cost, and materials – are a thing of the past with our Salto electronic access control system.  

Business Case Salto Testimonial
Scott Kittell
Salto North America Business Lead-Integration Technology Partner
Business Case Steps Description
The Challenge

When United College’s administration began considering deploying electronic access control, they wanted to ensure that it improved security and reduced cost. Facilities Manager Peter Pillsworth had worked with electronic access control in the past and knew that among its many benefits was that it eliminated the risk of lost keys and the expense and hassle of replacing keys and locks. In fact, prior to installing electronic locks, Pillsworth tracked how much the university was spending in time and materials to replace lost mechanical keys and determined that within just a couple of months the electronic access solution would pay for itself. 

United College was faced with an additional challenge with conventional keys. During the summer, or off season, the college runs many programs that invite visitors and guest speakers to the campus. They often stay for extended periods and use the student dorm rooms like a hotel. They needed an electronic lock solution that would give them the power to issue guest fobs that would simply expire at the end of each conference, so they did not have to worry about lost keys or rekeying locks. 


United College worked with Knells of Waterloo to specify and supply hardware, and G&A Lock Service to install Salto electronic access control solutions throughout the campus. Knells and G&A Lock have installed more than 350 Salto XS4 Original locks, electronic cylinders, wall readers, and controllers – all of which are managed via Salto Space access control management. 

Salto wire-free smart locks secure exterior and interior doors for the undergraduate building which includes residence halls, administrative offices, a kitchen, and classrooms. They also outfit a graduate building which closely resembles a multifamily apartment building. More than 500 students and employees regularly use the system. System administrators approve access to areas via assigned key fobs which can be managed in real time in the event a credential is lost or stolen. 

As for the summer use of United College’s facilities, the Salto solution has allowed them to eliminate the risk of visitors losing keys during summer conferences. The Salto system allows them to issue guest fobs instead that expire when the conference is over. 

Pillsworth said United College is very pleased with the Salto solution. 

“Salto locks have improved security as well as how we manage access throughout United College. Lost keys – which were a major source of time, cost, and materials – are a thing of the past with our Salto electronic access control system,” he said. 

Pillsworth added that since they began installing Salto locks years ago, United College has been able to easily add to the system as their needs grow. 

From this successful installation of electronic locks, Salto has secured and installed Salto into another one of the University of Waterloo’s affiliated colleges. St. Jerome’s University has installed over 300 Salto locks in a new residence and into various rooms within the college. Salto also completed a small installation at a remote campus of the University of Waterloo in Stratford, Ontario. 

“This one great opportunity with United College has parlayed into many additional great projects for Salto, thanks to Peter Pillsworth and the group at Knells and G&A Lock for their continued support,” said Jim Lockhart, Salto Regional Sales Manager, Central Canada. 

Business Case Key benefits
  • Ease of operation – No hassle associated with lost keys. 
  • Future proof – Flexible and able to adapt easily to growth. 
  • Security – Robust security features. Emergency readiness with lockdown functionality and AMOK function mode. 
  • Tracking and accountability – Easily see who has accessed which doors throughout campus and living areas. 
  • 24/7 Access Control – Full time access control management for a college campus that has students and employees coming and going at all hours of the day. 
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United College is an affiliated institution of the University of Waterloo which is in Ontario, Canada. The college has two functions: It offers classes and serves as a residence for both undergraduate and graduate students.

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