Bussiness Type Short Description

Every day, thousands of passengers, workers, luggage, and cargo pass through your doors on their way to their destinations.

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Airports and Transportation
Bussiness Type Long Description

In today’s world, security remains a top priority for all transportation facilities, including airports, ferry terminals, ports, bus, train stations and more. Every day, thousands of passengers, workers, luggage, and cargo pass through your doors on their way to their destinations. And they rely on you to get them there, safely, on time and as comfortably as possible. Transportation hubs with their complex and sprawling infrastructures, contain many points of vulnerability which require controlled access. As well as providing a safe environment, transportation hubs need to ensure that the flow of passengers and staff are not impeded by the very access measures designed to safeguard them.

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Passenger convenience and worker safety, without compromising security
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Long Description

Airports and other transportation hubs face continually evolving access challenges. Keeping passengers moving through your terminals to ensure their timely arrival and departure, enjoyment of leisure, food and shopping areas as well as a smooth passage through security and immigration control and boarding is all part and parcel of a positive travel experience. One which your access control needs to facilitate, not impede.  

Salto delivers smart-tech access comfort for passengers and convenience for personnel to come and go as they require, without compromising security.Manage the smooth flow of passengers 24/7 with Salto’s smart access solution, which also gives you the convenience of being able to secure any access point across multiple sites from a single flexible platform, remotely and in real-time. 


Simplify access management in a complex transportation environment
Airports and Transportation
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Salto’s smart access control technology allows you to simplify the access management of this complex environment by giving you the control from a single, flexible platform, conveniently for you and efficiently for passengers and workers requiring precise, automated access permission.  

Eliminating cumbersome mechanical keys without compromising security, convenience or control is achieved with the latest state-of-the-art wire-free electronic access control technology, saving you time, money and hassle. 

Salto’s access systems allows you to easily monitor and manage your access control for maximum operational efficiency, setting access privileges at an individual level, remotely and in real-time enabling you to easily restrict access to authorised personnel only at any given moment. 

Adaptable to suit the needs of your airport or transportation hub as they change
Airports and Transportation
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With an innovative all-in-one platform, Salto makes it easy to scale your access infrastructure at any time and from any place. Its smart access control solution gives you the flexibility to add or remove doors, zones or user profiles quickly and in real-time.  Being wire-free, it is easy to install and maintain and can be added to doors with existing locks without additional modifications or wiring. Installations can be completed in hours, saving you time and money, and avoiding disruption to your operations.  

And so that you can minimize the cost and disruption of change, Salto’s modular design and future-proofed engineering can easily accommodate any change, expansion, or contraction your transportation operation requires.

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