Bussiness Type Short Description

Multi-family housing managers face unique operational challenges every day. They need to create an environment where residents can navigate seamlessly and freely, but they also need visibility and control over access to common areas and shared facilities to ensure property security and resident safety. Salto streamlines management operations and creates smarter living experiences for residents, who can access their apartments, unit doors and common areas with one single digital smart key

Bussiness Type List Image
Multi-Family Housing
Bussiness Type Long Description

Multi-family housing managers face unique operational challenges every day. They need to create an environment where residents can navigate seamlessly and freely, but they also need visibility and control over access to common areas and shared facilities to ensure property security and resident safety. Salto streamlines management operations and creates smarter living experiences for residents, who can access their apartments, unit doors and common areas with one single digital smart key.

With Salto access control solutions, you can instantly manage your property from anywhere, ensuring your residents, visitors and staff are safe and secure at all times. Management and security issues can all be resolved from a centralized, single management platform that integrates with existing building management systems.

Bussiness Type Detail Image
Multi-Family Housing
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24/7 property security and resident safety.
24/7 property security and resident safety.
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Long Description

Salto solutions eliminate the security risks of lost or copied keys. If someone loses a credential, its access permission can be deleted quickly and easily—no need to change locks ever again. 

To enhance residents’ sense of security, Salto lets managers define access rights for specific groups and limit access to particular areas to authorized users. 

Salto integrates with intelligent appliances and smart home technologies including CCTV, fire, intrusion alarm systems, IoT devices and security platforms and lets managers set up automated digital access and lockdown responses for emergencies. Audit trails help identify security vulnerabilities while flexible design offers ways to process and store data that will comply with national and local regulations and protect residents’ privacy.


Bussiness Type Industry
Bussiness Type Technology Platforms (NEW)
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