Business Case Intro Text

The Aiglon College is a private boarding school in Switzerland, which was founded in 1949. The independent, non-profit school is located in the Swiss Alps, 1,250 metres above Lausanne, in the alpine village of Chesières, near the ski resort of Villars in the canton of Vaud.

The Aiglon College Junior School is intended for girls and boys in grades 5 to 8. The Senior School is aimed at students in grades 9 to 13 and prepares students for the GCSE and IGCSE exams at the end of grade 11 and for the International Baccalaureate in the last two years. Throughout the school the curriculum is taught in English, with the exception of languages and literature.

Currently 375 students from 64 nations attend Aiglon College, of which about 90 percent live in boarding school.


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access points

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Business Case Customer Testimonials
John Gerhardt
Senior Computer Services Technician at Aiglon College

The ProAccess Space software is fantastic; it was the deciding factor for the purchase of the SALTO access control. And you see progress with every new release. Not only are bugs fixed, but new features are added all the time. On top of that, it is very stable and offers a very good integration platform, which we use extensively.

Business Case Salto Testimonial
Business Case Steps Description
The challenge

Aiglon College consists of 23 buildings spread across a campus above Lake Geneva. Many of the buildings are used for multiple purposes. For example, many of the boarding houses also contain classrooms in addition to the students' private rooms. Employees are only allowed to enter the different areas according to their function, often also depending on the time.

With the replacement of the mechanical locking system, the school pursued two main goals: Security at the external doors and flexibility at the internal doors. Both are much easier to achieve with electronics than with mechanics, sometimes only with electronics. Together with the mechanical locking system also its complex administration had to go, especially the immense deposits for storing the many keys and the confusing key management.

The requirements for the new access control system included flexible management and integration with third-party systems. The master data had to be imported from the IT systems and there had to be process integration with the ERP. For example, if a pupil changes his or her house and this is recorded in the ERP system, the new access rights should be assigned automatically. This also applies to teachers and other staff.



The boarding school Aiglon College is now using a SALTO Systems access control solution on its entire premises.

Currently 450 access points are included in the solution across the campus. SALTO online wall readers, including door controllers, are located at around 20 entrances. Approximately 380 doors, mainly interior doors, are equipped with electronic escutcheons, of which about 70 are XS4 One models and about 310 are XS4 Original models. Most XS4 One escutcheons are wirelessly networked via SALTO BLUEnet and activated for SVN-Flex. This means they are also used as wire-free update points in the virtual network, which gives the school additional flexibility and security. About ten SALTO GEO electronic cylinders are in use on sliding glass doors and in the car parks, as well as ten XS4 Locker electronic locker locks on key cabinets.

The system architecture consists of virtual networking (SALTO Virtual Network, SVN), Wireless networking (SALTO BLUEnet) and Mobile Access (JustIN Mobile). The ProAccess SPACE management software is integrated with a number of third-party systems: the ERP system for the master data, the Active Directory for the authorisation structure, the ticket system for visitors and others that use data from the access control system.

SALTO was chosen because of its purely electronic hardware portfolio, which perfectly suits the broad range of access points, and because of the software's rich functionality and versatile integration possibilities. The solution therefore meets the requirements for security at the external doors and flexibility at the interior doors.


Business Case Key benefits
  • Unified access control across the entire campus
  • Differentiated access rights for students, teachers, employees and external parties
  • Integration with ERP for standardised master data management and automated rights assignment
  • Integration with Active Directory for adopting the authorisation structure
  • Use of the "Alarm Events" module for immediate notification of defined events
  • Convenient access management with ProAccess Space software and optimised maintenance
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Business Case Short Text

The Aiglon College is a private boarding school in Switzerland, which was founded in 1949. The independent, non-profit school is located in the Swiss Alps, 1,250 metres above Lausanne, in the alpine village of Chesières, near the ski resort of Villars in the canton of Vaud.

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