Business Case Intro Text

Baden Cantonal Hospital (KSB) provides patient-oriented healthcare close to home for about 300,000 residents in the eastern region of the canton of Aargau in Switzerland, offering state-of-the-art medical care in a personal setting. 

Roughly 2,000 employees across seven medical and healthcare departments and three administrative departments are responsible for patient wellbeing. Specialists from different fields work closely together at six interdisciplinary centers. 

The KSB is not only present in Baden but has several external locations to better reach out to patients where they live.

Business Case Figures

access points




staff changes per month

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Business Case Customer Testimonials
Heinz Wernli
Former Technical Service Director, Baden Cantonal Hospital

SALTO’s system architecture of online and offline functionalities was ultimately decisive. In addition, the software is easy to use, keeping efforts within reasonable limits during operation. And we can do almost everything ourselves, from installation to access management.

Business Case Salto Testimonial
Business Case Steps Description
The challenge

When the master key for the mechanical locking system was lost, the hospital decided to invest in a new system and came to the sobering conclusion that continual key losses by staff had led to high costs for reordering cylinders and keys, made for complicated locking plans and, due to their age, meant the plans were no longer up to date. It was time to abandon mechanical keys.

The administrators decided on a combined system with online/offline infrastructure and a virtual network to integrate the main building, ancillary buildings, employee parking lot, around 250 housing units, and external offices several kilometers from the main campus. The core aim was to lock up securely, but it was not necessary to set up real-time surveillance of every door, enabling wiring to be spared.

There were also particular requirements to consider. It was essential to determine and track who uses which doors and when. It was also important for administrators to access data quickly and know when and where the batteries in offline components needed changing. The automatic door systems at the external entries required control to lock them using the access control platform. The pharmacy alarm system had to be able to be set to ‘active mode’ or ‘inactive mode’ and the lockable medicine compartments should be part of the system, so that only selected employees could access.



The hospital has a total of around 2,000 doors and rollout of the SALTO solution began by sectors and departments, starting with the technical rooms, dressing rooms, and exterior doors. More online wall scanners were later installed to update access rights easily on employee badges. The hospital also integrated elevator control by installing online wall readers in the bed elevators.

The new access system resolved several problems for the hospital at once: it improves tracking considerably and enables reports to be generated for each door. The costs are significantly lower because the hospital no longer needs to order cylinders and keys for the mechanical locking system - especially for the staff dressing rooms. Furthermore, it gives administrators a better overview and hence tighter security, as they know who has which access rights.

Business Case Key benefits
  • Excellent customer support
  • Enables simple reporting for complex assessments as all doors can be found immediately
  • Access rights are programmed quickly
  • In case of a power outage, the access control continues to operate seamlessly due to the offline functionality
  • Several opening modes, for covering automated open/close times for different areas
  • Multi-application for cashless payment and IT login
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Business Case Short Text

Baden Cantonal Hospital (KSB) provides patient-oriented healthcare close to home for about 300,000 residents in the eastern region of the canton of Aargau in Switzerland, offering state-of-the-art medical care in a personal setting.

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