Business Case Intro Text

The Kulm Hotel St. Moritz is one of the most exclusive hotels in the world. It is located in the heart of St. Moritz at 1,856 m above sea level with perfect view of Lake St. Moritz. Behind its historic walls, guests can expect an incomparable aura of over 160 years of hospitality tradition, modern comfort at a 5-star superior level and cordial hospitality.

The Kulm Hotel St. Moritz has impressed since its establishment with continuous innovation. Winter holidays were invented here in 1864, and in 1879 the first electrical light in Switzerland shone in all its brightness. The Olympic Winter Games of 1928 and 1948 were opened in the Kulm park. Today it combines its unique history with the comfort of the present: modern amenities are elegantly complemented by a magnificent early 19th century interior.

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Business Case Customer Testimonials
Heinz E. Hunkeler
Director of the Kulm Hotel

We were convinced by the Ælement Fusion door locks because they are concealed in the door and at the same time compatible with the Colombo Design lever handles. This means we can realise our design ideas in a wonderful way.

Business Case Salto Testimonial
Business Case Steps Description
The challenge

The 5-star superior hotel wanted to replace its mechanical locking system with an electronic solution. The reason for the replacement was a typical shortcoming of mechanical systems: The old mechanical locking system had ended its life cycle, which affected, among other things, copy protection and reorders. In addition, the administration was becoming increasingly complex due to our structural extensions.

The new system was primarily intended to achieve more security, flexibility and simpler administration. But it was also focused on the fact that the hotel wanted to offer its guests even more comfort. With an electronic system, if a key is lost, locks no longer have to be changed, which has less of an impact during the stay. In addition, combinations of access rights can be issued, e.g. for families occupying several rooms. And it is of course more convenient for those guests who use the spa to only have a card with them rather than a heavy key.

In addition, various programming options were important. During the season and the non-season, the hotel has completely different operations. And this also affects the access rights. The new system was to implement this in an uncomplicated way.

On top of that, the hotel attached great importance to the design. The aim was to install as little visible hardware on the doors as possible. Therefore, only a solution that does not rely on the classic electronic door escutcheons was considered. This also gave the hotel more flexibility with the door handles, which it obtains from the manufacturer Colombo Design from Italy.



The Kulm Hotel St. Moritz has been using SALTO's Ælement Fusion design lock on its guest room doors as an electronic hotel locking system since autumn 2018. Simultaneously, the luxury hotel also integrates its external doors and several back-of-house areas into the access control solution. Ælement Fusion is a new electronic door lock that conceals all electronic components in the door except for the small, round reader.

SALTO online wall readers are installed at the main entrances to make use of various security functions. The wall readers can also be found at the barriers and vehicle entrances, the garage entrance and the supplier entrance. In the back-of-house area, the Kulm Hotel secures the kitchen, wine cellar and warehouse with the electronic access control solution.

In addition to the main building of the luxury hotel, the staff accommodation, the Country Club and external restaurants are integrated into the system. Wall readers are installed at the respective main entrances and employee entrances.

The Kulm Hotel uses the software ProAccess Space from SALTO for access management. It is integrated with Protel's PMS (Property Management System). The software has a department operator function (partitions), which means that the same system is used to manage access rights to the Grand Hotel Kronenhof in Pontresina, which belongs to the same company.


Business Case Key benefits
  • Design lock Ælement Fusion meets the requirement for minimum visibility due to the electronics built into the door.
  • More flexible assignment of rights for guests with electronic hotel locking system than with mechanics
  • Easy customisation of access rights for staff for seasonal and non-seasonal times.
  • Increased security at the online networked exterior doors and guest room doors, as lost keys no longer pose a security risk.
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St. Moritz
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The Kulm Hotel St. Moritz is one of the most exclusive hotels in the world. It is located in the heart of St. Moritz at 1,856 m above sea level with perfect view of Lake St.

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