Business Case Intro Text

Sunrise Christian School was founded in 1978 as a ministry of the Adelaide Christian Centre, envisioned by then Senior Pastor Ps. Leo Harris. In the 40-plus years since, Sunrise Christian School has grown across South Australia to cover six primary schools, four early learning centres (ELC), and a head office, with around 150-200 students per school. Sunrise Christian School is a part of the incorporated association of Adelaide Christian Schools.

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Sunrise Christian School
Sunrise Christian School
Business Case Salto Testimonial
Sis Inthavong
Healthcare Vertical Manager

“Building a partnership with Sunrise Christian School has fast-tracked the rollout of EAC to all of its campuses. Their management team and teachers can now save a significant amount of time, as they can access multiple sites with one platform by utilising SALTO Justin Mobile digital keys.”

Business Case Key benefits
  • The ability to automatically secure doors at the end of the day, and to control access between certain times, across different users and groups. This has saved time and strengthened security. 
  • New levels of flexibility, accessibility, security and improved access control.
  • Considerable savings in the costs associated with rekeying and changing locks when mechanical keys are lost, as well as staff time. 
  • A much less cumbersome system. Staff who regularly travel across all the campuses now only need to carry one fob, instead of multiple keys, and where required can be granted access almost instantaneously. They also have the option of using a smartphone and the SALTO JustIN mobile application.
  • Audit trails and reporting enable principals to see how the campus is being used, by who and when, ensuring peace of mind.
Business Case Technology
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Business Case Short Text

Sunrise Christian School was founded in 1978 as a ministry of the Adelaide Christian Centre, envisioned by then Senior Pastor Ps. Leo Harris.

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Sunrise Christian School
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