Business Case Intro Text

TRIPLE is Spain’s first ecological coworking space, a building in Madrid’s Argüelles neighbourhood with no carbon footprint, dedicated to collaborative work and events.  A few years ago, TRIPLE decided to renovate a unique building, a former factory on Ferraz Street comprising more than 500 square metres.  The renovation transformed it into a building which cares not only for the environment but also for the health of those who work there and live in the surrounding neighbourhood.

The building consists of three floors: two are coworking spaces and the third is an open and flexible event space. 

First, there is the Profit floor. This is the most diverse and flexible level, with an open-plan coworking space including 25 workstations, two meeting rooms, two lounges, two breakout rooms, a library, and a cafeteria. Next, the Planet floor. This space is a tribute to nature and has a second coworking area with 30 workstations, two meeting rooms, and a lounge. Finally, the People floor is available to hold events. It is open, bright and can be used to host presentations, press conferences, corporate events, and training sessions.

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The challenge

TRIPLE wanted to offer the best experience possible to its users while ensuring the building’s security. For this reason, it decided to install the Salto KS intelligent access system. This system is cloud-based and easily adapts to the current and future needs of any building. It is also compatible with various types of door access (digital keys, keyless systems, etc.), which improves the user experience, as well as the building’s overall security. 

“Salto KS incorporates the most innovative security measures for controlling access to facilities in real time. This system allows you to manage permissions and schedules, check the status of the locks, track users, and manage notifications instantly and from any device,” says Fernando Martínez, regional sales director at Salto.

Business Case Key benefits
  • Full control of all functions and features from the web application, such as monitoring events or remotely blocking and unblocking users in the mobile application.
  • Greater security, flexibility, and operability. 
  • Future-proof solution: offers the flexibility to adapt to the changing needs of the office environment.
  • Access control 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
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TRIPLE is Spain’s first ecological coworking space, a building in Madrid’s Argüelles neighbourhood with no carbon footprint, dedicated to collaborative work and events.

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