Business Case Intro Text

The Bundesleistungszentrum Kienbaum is a high-performance facility where top athletes can get into peak condition without having to bear the hustle and bustle of typical training centres. This national training centre gives athletes the opportunity to train in private, allowing them to focus fully on preparing for their sports seasons and competitions – including the Olympic and Paralympic Games.  

The centre is operated by the Bundesleistungszentrum Kienbaum e.V., and is supported by the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) and several top sports associations. It offers optimal training amenities for a wide variety of sports, including athletics, gymnastics, canoeing, volleyball, judo, archery, triathlon, disabled sports, bobsleigh and skeleton, speed skating, handball, basketball, football, and others.


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access points


Interior doors

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Business Case Customer Testimonials
Klaus-Peter Nowack
Managing Director, Federal Training Centre Kienbaum

We have achieved clear and transparent organisation and lowered costs in operation with a manageable investment. SALTO's system works very well and meets 100% of our expectations.

Business Case Salto Testimonial
Business Case Steps Description
The challenge

An influx of athletes, trainers, and staff to the national training centre drove the need for modernisation. A major goal for the process was optimising the booking and management of the sports, accommodation, catering, and sports medicine facilities using a centralised, coordinated system.

The first step was implementing a standardised booking system to streamline the booking process. Bundesleistungszentrum Kienbaum would do this by ensuring that members’ data needed to be entered only once into the system. In the second step, electronic locks would be extended to every door. Key returns would also be simplified. 

The operators aimed to introduce an electronic access control system that would further optimise their processes. They also wanted to save on costs arising from the mechanical locking system by eliminating the need to replace mechanical cylinders and keys.




SALTO Systems’ ability to provide flexibility in the allocation of access rights to every on-site facility used by athletes and coaches was an advantage to the Bundesleistungszentrum. The equipping of all relevant doors with suitable electronic door components, and the scalability of functions and rooms also spoke in SALTO’s favour. The latter allowed a step-by-step installation of the new access control solution.

The facility’s booking software has been integrated with SALTO’s management software, with all master data and booked services recorded and billed via the sports facility software. The necessary access rights for the accommodations, sports facilities, weight rooms, sports medicine area, and central building – where the refectory, assembly hall, and various leisure facilities are located – are all automatically assigned via an interface to SALTO’s management software.

At present, 398 of the Bundesleistungszentrum’s interior accommodation and sports facility doors are equipped with the XS4 Mini electronic short plate escutcheon. 45 XS4 Original escutcheons are installed at the main entrances to the centre’s sports facilities and the outer doors of the accommodation 

A total of 91 SALTO GEO electronic cylinders have been installed in the bicycle rooms, on the doors to the dining and assembly halls, as well as on doors with multi-point locks, and in escape routes. Eight of the centre’s neuralgic points feature SALTO online wall readers. They function as update terminals and also have the ability to check canteen bookings. 



Business Case Key benefits
  • Process optimisation through booking system integration and automatic allocation of access rights – all based on booking data.
  • Reduction of costs by eliminating the need to replace mechanical keys and cylinders
  • Central access control system for the entire facility
  • Phased installation enabled by a scalable system
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The Bundesleistungszentrum Kienbaum is a high-performance facility where top athletes can get into peak condition without having to bear the hustle and bustle of typical training centres.

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