Business Case Intro Text

The Bencom Group was founded by the then-13-year-old serial entrepreneur Ben Woldring in 1998. Since then, it has grown into a thriving network of companies employing 55 people across two locations in the Netherlands. It provides its users with independent information on the best rates for telecom, internet, digital television, energy, insurance services, and even hotel stays. 

Business Case Image List
Bencom Group
Bencom Group
Bencom Group
Business Case Key benefits
  • Digital Key: Open doors using your mobile phone (iOS & Android) 
  • Easy remote access for the cleaning team or other service staff 
  • Simple user administration panel controlled by office manager - more efficient than handing out mechanical keys as users can be added, blocked, or removed with ease 
  • Open API: Salto KS is not a closed platform, making it possible to integrate with any software the user wishes through the API 
  • Event logging: providing insights into who has been in which rooms and when 
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Business Case Short Text

The Bencom Group was founded by the then-13-year-old serial entrepreneur Ben Woldring in 1998. Since then, it has grown into a thriving network of companies employing 55 people across two locations in the Netherlands

Business Case Short Image
Bencom Group
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