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Salto engages in a range of environmental policies to minimise the impact of our business and manufacturing operations on the environment. We adopt practices that minimize our carbon footprint, consume energy responsibly, reduce waste, and maximize resource usage and sustainability. We also set mandatory environmental standards for incorporating sustainability into government procurements.

We focus on the areas where we can have the greatest impact and take big steps to achieve a smaller carbon footprint, reduce carbon emissions, conserve energy, use less water, and maximize recycling, in everything we do.

Product & technology
Product & technology
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Salto aims to deliver smart access control technology that improves lives and is very easy to use and install with less environmental impact. 

Some of the most innovative thinking at Salto goes towards developing new products with eco-design criteria to incorporate renewable materials, making sure products last as long as possible, and that we can recover everything we can from them when they reach the end of the lifecycle while maintaining performance and quality.

In an effort to minimise any negative impact our product development and technological innovation may have on the environment, wherever possible, we design and engineer our product packaging with “minimizing environmental impact” as an integral part of our design brief. Our packaging is fully FSC certified. Our raw material sourcing is carefully curated to reduce our carbon footprint.

Operations & Energy
Operations & Energy
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Environmental responsibility starts with our operations and becoming more efficient in how we create and deliver technology and smart-locking solutions worldwide. It extends through our supply chain where we work to ensure consistent, transparent, environmental and social stewardship among hundreds of partnership companies across the globe.

Salto manufacturing global facilities are powered with 100 % clean and renewable energy. Part of that energy comes from our own on-site solar panels. When we need more, we buy renewable energy from nearby markets or local utility companies. Today, Salto produces solar power at our facilities in Oiartzun, Spain.

Corporate Policy
Corporate Policy
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We promote a wide range of policies that drive our emissions down, advance zero-carbon, and enhance circular economy opportunities.

ISO 14001 Certifications and corporate operations policies, ensuring consistent building and meeting environmental norms while exceeding safety requirements in the markets we operate. We are active in our manufacturing facilities in our Headquarters in Oiartzun Spain and internationally to push for greater action. By meeting the ISO 14001 standard, Salto Systems is able to demonstrate its commitment to achieving both legal and regulatory compliance and ongoing improvement whilst presenting itself as a forward-thinking, environmentally aware business.

Zero-CO2 Factory

Salto Systems achieved its goal of becoming 100% carbon neutral – for its factory headquarters, a major step in making keyless smart access technology sustainable. Salto has focused on achieving carbon neutrality through ambitious reductions in emissions across all stages of the product life cycle including design, production, recycling and energy efficiency installing renewable energy power-generation systems and purchasing certified 100% green electricity.

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solar panels

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1.095 m2 
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installed surface solar roof factory area

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202,41 kWp 
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solar power generation from factory solar roof

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energy consumption from Solar power energy

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energy consumption from renewable energy sources

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198tn CO2 
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Reduction of CO2 emissions

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Innovating to meet social and environmental challenges.
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