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We therefore strive to build and implement strong internal governance frameworks that support and ensure transparency and integrity in all our activities.

You can consult our Purpose and Values here

Políticas de SALTO Systems
Salto Systems Policies
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Long Description

Nuestras políticas son una guía de referencia sobre nuestro enfoque acerca de las prácticas empresariales responsables y responsables para nuestros clientes. En SALTO, somos respetuosos con la legislación y con los reglamentos locales, nacionales e internacionales (así como con su espíritu) y realizamos nuestras operaciones comerciales con honestidad e integridad.

Corporate Policies
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Long Description

We have approved a series of Policies that elaborate on our business commitments for some specific areas of the Code of Conduct. The aim is to reinforce our responsibilities in these areas and to ensure that we conduct our business and business practices in accordance with them.

Quality and Environmental Policy EN

Information Security Policy EN - ES

Business Continuity Policy EN - ES

Data Protection Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Ethical Channels
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As part of our culture of compliance and business ethics, we have implemented an internal reporting system for violations, which seeks to provide SALTO Group with effective tools and procedures to enable the communication, detection, control and monitoring of potential violations or non-compliance. Within the framework of this system our Ethical Channels are integrated.


The Ethical Channels are the communication channels that are enabled from time to time within the framework of the Group's internal information system to enable the notification of certain breaches in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations.

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Gobierno Corporativo
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Integrar la sostenibilidad con nuestra estrategia comercial, para acelerar la transición a emisiones netas cero y el compromiso con la responsabilidad social corporativa.
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About Us - ESG -Detail