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Ælement Fusion
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Ælement Fusion은 스마트 잠금 장치로 액세스 자격 증명이 제시되면 인터랙티브 라이트 링이 켜지는 세련된 리더기를 갖추고 있습니다. 어떤 호텔 장식과도 조화를 이루는 미니멀한 디자인을 제공합니다.

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Stylish Design
Ælement Fusion - Stylish Design
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Long Description

The Ælement Fusion’s small, customizable light ring reader offers a discreet electronic lock for hotels looking to deploy electronic access control with a stylish, yet technologically-advanced solution. Salto offers a variety of door handles and finishes to complement any door style.

Colombo Design by Salto:

Stylish design is part of Salto’s DNA, so when it comes to selecting handles for your doors, we believe you should be able to choose from the very best available.

Colombo will make its best designs available for customers to choose from; a high quality selection suitable for both Salto XS4 and Ælement electronic lock ranges, and compatible with both ANSI and DIN EU door standards.

Mobile Technology
Ælement Fusion - Mobile Technology
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Ælement Fusion is equipped with RFID and NFC with improved reading distance, and also adds BLE. This additional feature allows guests and staff to use their smartphone as a key.

Security, efficiency and design are all essential aspects of access control in the highly competitive hospitality sector. Ælement Fusion incorporates Salto’s stand-alone, battery powered electronic lock and technology, SVN data-on-card and advanced BLUEnet wireless technology with online, real-time capabilities — all without using wires.

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Ælement Fusion
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Ælement Fusion 글로벌