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SALTO luôn đem tới trục khóa điện tử hoàn hảo, phù hợp cho mọi cánh cửa bất kể loại hình công trình, chức năng, mẫu mã hay tiêu chuẩn cửa.

Thiết bị điện tử SALTO nhỏ gọn trục khóa cửa được thiết kế dành riêng cho những cánh cửa không thể hoặc không cần lắp khóa điện tử, và có thể được lắp đặt trên các hệ cửa tiêu chuẩn, tủ rack máy chủ, cổng, tủ đồ, công tắc điện, cửa trượt, v.v. Sản phẩm có sẵn nhiều mẫu mã phù hợp với hầu hết các hệ cửa châu Á, châu Âu và châu Mỹ.

SALTO tiếp tục cho ra mắt những phát kiến đổi mới công nghệ ấn tượng, tăng cường kết nối giữa cánh cửa, người dùng và hệ thống vận hành, giúp hỗ trợ sự phát triển của hệ thống kiểm soát ra vào tổng thể đáp ứng mọi ứng dụng công trình và loại hình ra vào.

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Salto Systems - Electronic Cylinders
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How does an electronic cylinder work?

An electronic cylinder lock integrates with smart cards or mobile access systems to provide secure yet convenient user authentication and access control.

Users are issued smart keycards or mobile credentials with unique IDs that contain customised access levels and rights. To open doors, a user holds their keycard or smartphone close to a reader, which is attached to the electronic cylinder knob. The smart cylinder then verifies the smart card data against authorised user information, calendars, and access rights. If that authentication is successful, the door unlocks.

Advantages of an electronic door lock cylinder

Electronic door cylinders offer enhanced security, flexibility, and convenience compared to traditional mechanical locks:

  • Allow for easier access rights management
  • Provide remote access
  • Offer features such as audit trails, allowing operators to track movement through every door
Types of smart electronic cylinders

Electronic cylinders come in various types. Each model delivers different features and is compatible with different door types. Levels of security may also vary. So, no matter the access need or preference, there’s a smart cylinder solution for every use case.

Smart cylinders are designed for doors where fitting an electronic lock is impossible or not wanted. They can be installed on standard doors, server racks, gates, cabinets, electric switches, and sliding doors, among others. An extensive range of models is available to suit almost any kind of door, almost anywhere in the world.

FAQs text

Answers to frequently asked questions about electronic cylinders.

FAQs accordion
Are digital cylinders easy to install?

Electronic cylinder installation can vary depending on the specific cylinder model, existing door hardware, and the door type.

Installing an electronic cylinder lock requires only basic tools such as screwdrivers, a suitable power source – like batteries – and a configuration tool such as a PPD (Portable Programming Device) or a smartphone. Follow the instructions to ensure compatibility, and test the electronic cylinder carefully after installation.

Some electronic cylinder models are relatively easy to install, while others may require more time and expertise. Read the installation instructions provided by Salto carefully and, if necessary, seek assistance from a certified Partner.

Are smart cylinder locks secure?

Yes – smart electronic cylinder locks incorporate strong encryption, robust authentication methods, and vandal-resistant designs. They offer the highest security levels when best practices are observed in their installation and use.

Secure installation practices as well as regular firmware updates and maintenance mitigate potential vulnerabilities, too. To maintain security, monitor the smart cylinder locks’ access logs, and periodically review and update users’ credentials and access rights.

Such measures, along with basic maintenance, allow operators to minimise the risk of unauthorised access while ensuring the system’s integrity. This should be part of a broader security policy that includes regular audits, training, and proactive measures to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.

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Salto Systems - Electronic Cylinders