Business Case Intro Text

Zürcher Freilager AG (ZF AG) was founded on 23 July 1923 at the instigation of the Zurich Chamber of Commerce to provide storage space for the temporary storage of duty unpaid goods. In 1925, the 70,500 square metre site in Zurich-Albisrieden was purchased. The first buildings to be erected were today's Marktgasse and a shed for the storage of automobiles. In 1926, the area was declared a foreign country for customs purposes. Now goods could be stored there without paying customs duty.

Since the 1990s, the use of the area has changed and finally led to the plans for the redevelopment, which was implemented from 2012 onwards. Construction of the Freilager Zurich residential project began in May 2013 and the first tenants moved in as early as February 2016. Today, the Freilager development projects comprises 800 rental flats, 200 student rooms, commercial space, restaurants, medical practices, the Zürcher Freilager AG offices and much more.


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access points





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Business Case Customer Testimonials
Jean-Claude Maissen
CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of Zürcher Freilager AG

We were particularly impressed by the usability of the software and the programming of access rights. The organisation according to access groups and areas corresponded exactly to our ideas, because we wanted to get away from the matrix.

Business Case Salto Testimonial
Business Case Steps Description
The challenge

Freilager Zurich is located in Zurich-Albisrieden and comprises around 800 rental flats, almost 200 rooms for student housing and 18,200 square metres of commercial and office space in 13 buildings. Almost 3,000 people live and work in the lively neighbourhood.

The starting point for the planning was to be able to easily block access and to achieve simple management of the residential units. By separating electronics and mechanics, ZF AG achieved a balance in flexibility and costs. Access rights can be easily changed and conveniently managed at the electronically secured access points. This is particularly useful if a credential is lost or not returned at the end of the rental period. In addition, areas can be separated and structured, and it is also possible to enlarge or reduce them afterwards - which was one of the fundamental requirements of the owners.



At Freilager Zurich, a combination of electronic and mechanical access point security was implemented for the residential and commercial units. In addition to its functional advantages, this system architecture also offers an interesting price/performance ratio. Accordingly, each building was equipped with an electronic access control system on the outer shell. The flat doors, cellar compartments and letterboxes, on the other hand, are equipped with mechanics with individual locks without a locking plan.

A total of around 400 access points are integrated into the electronic access solution. SALTO online and offline wall readers are located at the main entrance doors, bicycle room doors and in a lift system to the residential units in Marktgasse. XS4 Original electronic escutcheons are installed on various exterior doors and basement entrances. Electronic SALTO GEO cylinders are installed on garden doors, ensuring maintenance by gardeners commissioned by ZF AG. Furthermore, SALTO long-range readers are used for vehicle access to the tenant garages and XS4 Locker electronic locker locks are used to secure key boxes.

Zürcher Freilager AG uses SALTO's ProAccess Space management software for access management of the approximately 2,400 residents and around 500 employees in the commercial units.


Business Case Key benefits
  • Balance of flexibility and costs through separation of electronics on the external doors and mechanics on the flat doors.
  • Easy change of access rights and convenient administration at the electronically secured access points.
  • Flexibility of use, in that areas can also be enlarged or reduced in size at a later date without having to make alterations to the doors
  • Entrance doors are controlled via online wall readers installed in the door intercoms
  • All desired access points could be equipped with suitable electronic hardware thanks to the versatile portfolio
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Business Case Short Text

Zürcher Freilager AG (ZF AG) was founded on 23 July 1923 at the instigation of the Zurich Chamber of Commerce to provide storage space for the temporary storage of duty unpaid goods. In 1925, the 70,500 square metre site in Zurich-Albisrieden was purchased.

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