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Our commitment to Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance contributing to the application of circular economy principles.

Guided by social responsibility and governed by ethical and legal requirements, at Salto Systems we are conscious that we are just one part of a much broader framework. This is why Salto has established sustainability guidelines and principles for our projects and operations that reinforce our commitment to the value that life matters most.

We support this position through social, environmental, and economic responsibility – particularly with regard to global sustainability and the environment we operate within. This responsibility goes beyond corporate goals, and we are firmly committed to consistently engaging in a range of activities that reflect our commitment to the application of circular economy principles.

Download Sustainability Report:

Sustainability Report 2023 (EN)

Sustainability Report 2023 (ES)

Sustainability Report 2022 (EN)

Sustainability Report 2022 (ES)

Sustainability Report 2021 (EN)

Sustainability Report 2021 (ES)

Sustainability Report 2020 (EN)

Sustainability Report 2020 (ES)

Sustainability Report 2019 (ES)

Sustainability Report 2018 (ES)

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Contributing to the SDGs

Salto Systems has undertaken a profound transformation towards an increasingly sustainable model to respond to its environmental and social impacts, as well as to the main challenges which the world is facing today in the access control and security market. By proactively responding to social issues, Salto contributes to the achievement of specific SDG objectives through its responsible corporate policies.

In September 2015, all 193 U.N. member states adopted the 17 SDGs. The SDGs set a global agenda for overcoming poverty, protecting the planet, and promoting peace and prosperity.

Salto is doing several things to help achieve these SDG goals. Many of the goals are specific to environmental sustainability, such as climate change, sustainable operations, responsible consumption, and product eco-design. Salto takes this very seriously and has achieved ISO 14001 certification and becoming 100% carbon neutral in its factory headquarters – a significant step in making keyless smart access technology sustainable.

Salto’s commitment to corporate social responsibility requires us to be thoughtful about the impact of our business practices and policies. We believe the way we work, the technology we develop, and the solutions we provide help contribute to many of the U.N. SDGs – ranging from our company practices to our commitment to moving towards a circular economy.

Contribution du groupe SALTO aux objectifs de développement durable (ODD) des Nations Unies

Joining the Global Compact implies that Salto is committed to aligning its operations with Ten Principles universally accepted in the areas of human rights, labour safety standards, environment, and fight against corruption, and adopting measures in support of the objectives of the U.N. 's SDGs. SALTO has joined thousands of companies worldwide in carrying out business actions and responsible corporate policies and practices to create a better world.

    • énergie propre et abordable
    • Action climatique
    • Industrie, innovation et infrastructure
    • Consommation et production responsables
    • pas de pauvreté
    • Zéro faim
    • éducation de qualité
    • inégalités réduites
    • Villes et communautés durables
    • Égalité des sexes
    • travail décent et croissance économique
    • éducation de qualité
    • Égalité des sexes
    • travail décent et croissance économique
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Sustainability - ESG

Salto engages in a range of environmental policies to minimise the impact of our business and manufacturing operations on the environment.

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Sustainability - ESG
Social Responsibility

At Salto we see a future of important challenges and inspiring opportunities. 

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Sustainability - ESG

We strive to build robust internal governance frameworks to respond to ESG issues and implement governance frameworks to support ethical practices 

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